# MapTo [![Nuget](https://img.shields.io/nuget/v/mapto?logo=nuget)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/MapTo/) ![Publish Packages](https://github.com/mrtaikandi/MapTo/workflows/Publish%20Packages/badge.svg) A convention based object to object mapper using [Roslyn source generator](https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/master/docs/features/source-generators.md). MapTo is a library to programmatically generate the necessary code to map one object to another during compile-time. It creates mappings during compile-time, eliminating the need to use reflection to map one object to another and make it simpler to use faster than other libraries at runtime. ## Installation ``` dotnet add package MapTo --prerelease ``` ## Usage MapTo relies on a set of attributes to instruct it on how to generate the mappings. To start, declare the destination class as `partial` and annotate it with `MapFrom` attribute. As its name implies, `MapFrom` attribute tells the library what the source class you want to map from is. ```c# using MapTo; namespace App.ViewModels { [MapFrom(typeof(App.Data.Models.User))] public partial class UserViewModel { public string FirstName { get; } public string LastName { get; } [IgnoreProperty] public string FullName { get; set; } } } ``` To get an instance of `UserViewModel` from the `User` class, you can use any of the following methods: ```c# var user = new User(id: 10) { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe" }; var vm = user.ToUserViewModel(); // A generated extension method for User class. // OR vm = new UserViewModel(user); // A generated contructor. // OR vm = UserViewModel.From(user); // A generated factory method. ``` > Please refer to [sample console app](https://github.com/mrtaikandi/MapTo/tree/master/test/TestConsoleApp) for a more complete example. ## Available Attributes ### IgnoreProperty By default, MapTo will include all properties with the same name (case-sensitive), whether read-only or not, in the mapping unless annotating them with the `IgnoreProperty` attribute. ```c# [IgnoreProperty] public string FullName { get; set; } ``` ### MapProperty This attribute gives you more control over the way the annotated property should get mapped. For instance, if the annotated property should use a property in the source class with a different name. ```c# [MapProperty(SourcePropertyName = "Id")] public int Key { get; set; } ``` ### MapTypeConverter A compilation error gets raised by default if the source and destination properties types are not implicitly convertible, but to convert the incompatible source type to the desired destination type, `MapTypeConverter` can be used. This attribute will accept a type that implements `ITypeConverter` interface. ```c# [MapFrom(typeof(User))] public partial class UserViewModel { public DateTimeOffset RegisteredAt { get; set; } [IgnoreProperty] public ProfileViewModel Profile { get; set; } [MapTypeConverter(typeof(IdConverter))] [MapProperty(SourcePropertyName = nameof(User.Id))] public string Key { get; } private class IdConverter : ITypeConverter { public string Convert(int source, object[] converterParameters) => $"{source:X}"; } } ```