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2022-11-08 20:57:02 +03:00
Module: Access
Parses /etc/security/access.conf
Author: Lorenzo Dalrio <>
About: Reference
Some examples of valid entries can be found in access.conf or "man access.conf"
About: License
This file is licensed under the LGPL v2+, like the rest of Augeas.
About: Lens Usage
Sample usage of this lens in augtool
* Add a rule to permit login of all users from local sources (tty's, X, cron)
> set /files/etc/security/access.conf[0] +
> set /files/etc/security/access.conf[0]/user ALL
> set /files/etc/security/access.conf[0]/origin LOCAL
About: Configuration files
This lens applies to /etc/security/access.conf. See <filter>.
About: Examples
The <Test_Access> file contains various examples and tests.
module Access =
autoload xfm
(* Group: Comments and empty lines *)
(* Variable: comment *)
let comment = Util.comment
(* Variable: empty *)
let empty = Util.empty
(* Group: Useful primitives *)
(* Variable: colon
* this is the standard field separator " : "
let colon = del (Rx.opt_space . ":" . Rx.opt_space) " : "
(* View: access
* Allow (+) or deny (-) access
let access = label "access" . store /[+-]/
(* Variable: identifier_re
Regex for user/group identifiers *)
let identifier_re = /[A-Za-z0-9_.\\-]+/
(* View: user_re
* Regex for user/netgroup fields
let user_re = identifier_re - /[Ee][Xx][Cc][Ee][Pp][Tt]/
(* View: user
* user can be a username, username@hostname or a group
let user = [ label "user"
. ( store user_re
| store Rx.word . Util.del_str "@"
. [ label "host" . store Rx.word ] ) ]
(* View: group
* Format is (GROUP)
let group = [ label "group"
. Util.del_str "(" . store identifier_re . Util.del_str ")" ]
(* View: netgroup
let netgroup =
[ label "netgroup" . Util.del_str "@" . store user_re
. [ label "nisdomain" . Util.del_str "@@" . store Rx.word ]? ]
(* View: user_list
* A list of users or netgroups to apply the rule to
let user_list = Build.opt_list (user|group|netgroup)
(* View: origin_list
* origin_list can be a single ipaddr/originname/domain/fqdn or a list of those values
let origin_list =
let origin_re = Rx.no_spaces - /[Ee][Xx][Cc][Ee][Pp][Tt]/
in Build.opt_list [ label "origin" . store origin_re ]
(* View: except
* The except operator makes it possible to write very compact rules.
let except (lns:lens) = [ label "except" .
. del /[Ee][Xx][Cc][Ee][Pp][Tt]/ "EXCEPT"
. . lns ]
(* View: entry
* A valid entry line
* Definition:
* > entry ::= access ':' user ':' origin_list
let entry = [ access . colon
. user_list
. (except user_list)?
. colon
. origin_list
. (except origin_list)?
. Util.eol ]
* Group: LENS & FILTER
(* View: lns
The access.conf lens, any amount of
* <empty> lines
* <comments>
* <entry>
let lns = (comment|empty|entry) *
(* Variable: filter *)
let filter = incl "/etc/security/access.conf"
(* xfm *)
let xfm = transform lns filter