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2022-11-08 20:57:02 +03:00
Module: Grub
Parses grub configuration
Author: David Lutterkort <>
About: License
This file is licenced under the LGPL v2+, like the rest of Augeas.
About: Lens Usage
To be documented
module Grub =
autoload xfm
(* This only covers the most basic grub directives. Needs to be *)
(* expanded to cover more (and more esoteric) directives *)
(* It is good enough to handle the grub.conf on my Fedora 8 box *)
(* View: value_to_eol *)
let value_to_eol = store /[^= \t\n][^\n]*[^= \t\n]|[^= \t\n]/
(* View: eol *)
let eol = Util.eol
(* View: spc *)
let spc = Util.del_ws_spc
(* View: opt_ws *)
let opt_ws = Util.del_opt_ws ""
(* View: dels *)
let dels (s:string) = Util.del_str s
(* View: eq *)
let eq = dels "="
(* View: switch *)
let switch (n:regexp) = dels "--" . key n
(* View: switch_arg *)
let switch_arg (n:regexp) = switch n . eq . store Rx.no_spaces
(* View: value_sep *)
let value_sep (dflt:string) = del /[ \t]*[ \t=][ \t]*/ dflt
(* View: comment_re *)
let comment_re = /([^ \t\n].*[^ \t\n]|[^ \t\n])/
- /# ## (Start|End) Default Options ##/
(* View: comment *)
let comment =
[ Util.indent . label "#comment" . del /#[ \t]*/ "# "
. store comment_re . eol ]
(* View: empty *)
let empty = Util.empty
(* View: command *)
let command (kw:regexp) (indent:string) =
Util.del_opt_ws indent . key kw
(* View: kw_arg *)
let kw_arg (kw:regexp) (indent:string) (dflt_sep:string) =
[ command kw indent . value_sep dflt_sep . value_to_eol . eol ]
(* View: kw_boot_arg *)
let kw_boot_arg (kw:regexp) = kw_arg kw "\t" " "
(* View: kw_menu_arg *)
let kw_menu_arg (kw:regexp) = kw_arg kw "" " "
(* View: password_arg *)
let password_arg = [ command "password" "" .
(spc . [ switch "md5" ])? .
(spc . [ switch "encrypted" ])? .
spc . store (/[^ \t\n]+/ - /--[^ \t\n]+/) .
(spc . [ label "file" . store /[^ \t\n]+/ ])? .
eol ]
(* View: kw_pres *)
let kw_pres (kw:string) = [ opt_ws . key kw . eol ]
(* View: error
* Parse a line that looks almost like a valid setting, but isn't,
* into an '#error' node. Any line that starts with letters, but not
* anything matching kw, is considered an error line.
* Parameters:
* kw:regexp - the valid keywords that are _not_ considered an
* error
let error (kw:regexp) =
let not_kw = /[a-zA-Z]+/ - kw in
[ label "#error" . Util.del_opt_ws "\t"
. store (not_kw . /([^a-zA-Z\n].*[^ \t\n])?/) . eol ]
(* View: device
* This is a shell-only directive in upstream grub; the grub versions
* in at least Fedora/RHEL use this to find devices for UEFI boot *)
let device =
[ command "device" "" . . store /\([A-Za-z0-9_.-]+\)/ . spc .
[ label "file" . value_to_eol ] . Util.eol ]
(* View: color *)
let color =
(* Should we nail it down to exactly the color names that *)
(* grub supports ? *)
let color_name = store /[A-Za-z-]+/ in
let color_spec =
[ label "foreground" . color_name] .
dels "/" .
[ label "background" . color_name ] in
[ opt_ws . key "color" .
spc . [ label "normal" . color_spec ] .
(spc . [ label "highlight" . color_spec ])? .
eol ]
(* View: serial *)
let serial =
[ command "serial" "" .
[ spc . switch_arg /unit|port|speed|word|parity|stop|device/ ]* .
eol ]
(* View: terminal *)
let terminal =
[ command "terminal" "" .
([ spc . switch /dumb|no-echo|no-edit|silent/ ]
|[ spc . switch_arg /timeout|lines/ ])* .
[ spc . key /console|serial|hercules/ ]* . eol ]
(* View: setkey *)
let setkey = [ command "setkey" "" .
( spc . [ label "to" . store Rx.no_spaces ] .
spc . [ label "from" . store Rx.no_spaces ] )? .
eol ]
(* View: menu_entry *)
let menu_entry = kw_menu_arg "default"
| kw_menu_arg "fallback"
| kw_pres "hiddenmenu"
| kw_menu_arg "timeout"
| kw_menu_arg "splashimage"
| kw_menu_arg "gfxmenu"
| kw_menu_arg "foreground"
| kw_menu_arg "background"
| kw_menu_arg "verbose"
| kw_menu_arg "boot" (* only for CLI, ignored in conf *)
| serial
| terminal
| password_arg
| color
| device
| setkey
(* View: menu_error
* Accept lines not matching menu_entry and stuff them into
* '#error' nodes
let menu_error =
let kw = /default|fallback|hiddenmenu|timeout|splashimage|gfxmenu/
|/serial|setkey|terminal|color|device/ in
error kw
(* View: menu_setting
* a valid menu setting or a line that looks like one but is an #error
let menu_setting = menu_entry | menu_error
(* View: title *)
let title = del /title[ \t=]+/ "title " . value_to_eol . eol
(* View: multiboot_arg
* Permits a second form for Solaris multiboot kernels that
* take a path (with a slash) as their first arg, e.g.
* /boot/multiboot kernel/unix another=arg *)
let multiboot_arg = [ label "@path" .
store (Rx.word . "/" . Rx.no_spaces) ]
(* View: kernel_args
Parse the file name and args on a kernel or module line. *)
let kernel_args =
let arg = /[A-Za-z0-9_.$\+-]+/ - /type|no-mem-option/ in
store /(\([a-z0-9,]+\))?\/[^ \t\n]*/ .
(spc . multiboot_arg)? .
(spc . [ key arg . (eq. store /([^ \t\n])*/)?])* . eol
(* View: module_line
Solaris extension adds module$ and kernel$ for variable interpolation *)
let module_line =
[ command /module\$?/ "\t" . spc . kernel_args ]
(* View: map_line *)
let map_line =
[ command "map" "\t" . spc .
[ label "from" . store /[()A-za-z0-9]+/ ] . spc .
[ label "to" . store /[()A-za-z0-9]+/ ] . eol ]
(* View: kernel *)
let kernel =
[ command /kernel\$?/ "\t" .
(spc .
([switch "type" . eq . store /[a-z]+/]
|[switch "no-mem-option"]))* .
spc . kernel_args ]
(* View: chainloader *)
let chainloader =
[ command "chainloader" "\t" .
[ spc . switch "force" ]? . spc . store Rx.no_spaces . eol ]
(* View: savedefault *)
let savedefault =
[ command "savedefault" "\t" . (spc . store Rx.integer)? . eol ]
(* View: configfile *)
let configfile =
[ command "configfile" "\t" . spc . store Rx.no_spaces . eol ]
(* View: boot_entry
<boot> entries *)
let boot_entry =
let boot_arg_re = "root" | "initrd" | "rootnoverify" | "uuid"
| "findroot" | "bootfs" (* Solaris extensions *)
in kw_boot_arg boot_arg_re
| kernel
| chainloader
| kw_pres "quiet" (* Seems to be a Ubuntu extension *)
| savedefault
| configfile
| module_line
| map_line
| kw_pres "lock"
| kw_pres "makeactive"
| password_arg
(* View: boot_error
* Accept lines not matching boot_entry and stuff them into
* '#error' nodes
let boot_error =
let kw = /lock|uuid|password|root|initrd|rootnoverify|findroot|bootfs/
|/makeactive|savedefault|map/ in
error kw
(* View: boot_setting
* a valid boot setting or a line that looks like one but is an #error
let boot_setting = boot_entry | boot_error
(* View: boot *)
let boot =
let line = ((boot_setting|comment)* . boot_setting)? in
[ label "title" . title . line ]
(* View: debian_header
Header for a <debian>-specific section *)
let debian_header = "## ## Start Default Options ##\n"
(* View: debian_footer
Footer for a <debian>-specific section *)
let debian_footer = "## ## End Default Options ##\n"
(* View: debian_comment_re *)
let debian_comment_re = /([^ \t\n].*[^ \t\n]|[^ \t\n])/
- "## End Default Options ##"
(* View: debian_comment
A comment entry inside a <debian>-specific section *)
let debian_comment =
[ Util.indent . label "#comment" . del /##[ \t]*/ "## "
. store debian_comment_re . eol ]
(* View: debian_setting_re *)
let debian_setting_re = "kopt"
| "groot"
| "alternative"
| "lockalternative"
| "defoptions"
| "lockold"
| "xenhopt"
| "xenkopt"
| "altoptions"
| "howmany"
| "memtest86"
| "updatedefaultentry"
| "savedefault"
| "indomU"
(* View: debian_entry *)
let debian_entry = [ Util.del_str "#" . Util.indent
. key debian_setting_re . del /[ \t]*=/ "="
. value_to_eol? . eol ]
(* View: debian
A debian-specific section, made of <debian_entry> lines *)
let debian = [ label "debian"
. del debian_header debian_header
. (debian_comment|empty|debian_entry)*
. del debian_footer debian_footer ]
(* View: lns *)
let lns = (comment | empty | menu_setting | debian)*
. (boot . (comment | empty | boot)*)?
(* View: filter *)
let filter = incl "/boot/grub/grub.conf"
. incl "/boot/grub/menu.lst"
. incl "/etc/grub.conf"
. incl "/boot/efi/EFI/*/grub.conf"
let xfm = transform lns filter