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2022-11-08 20:57:02 +03:00
module Json =
(* A generic lens for Json files *)
(* Based on the following grammar from *)
(* Object ::= '{'Members ? '}' *)
(* Members ::= Pair+ *)
(* Pair ::= String ':' Value *)
(* Array ::= '[' Elements ']' *)
(* Elements ::= Value ( "," Value )* *)
(* Value ::= String | Number | Object | Array | "true" | "false" | "null" *)
(* String ::= "\"" Char* "\"" *)
(* Number ::= /-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?/ *)
let ws = del /[ \t\n]*/ ""
let comment = Util.empty_c_style | Util.comment_c_style | Util.comment_multiline
let comments = comment* . Sep.opt_space
let comma = Util.del_str "," . comments
let colon = Util.del_str ":" . comments
let lbrace = Util.del_str "{" . comments
let rbrace = Util.del_str "}"
let lbrack = Util.del_str "[" . comments
let rbrack = Util.del_str "]"
(* This follows the definition of 'string' at
It's a little wider than what's allowed there as it would accept
nonsensical \u escapes *)
let str_store = Quote.dquote . store /([^\\"]|\\\\["\/bfnrtu\\])*/ . Quote.dquote
let number = [ label "number" . store /-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?/
. comments ]
let str = [ label "string" . str_store . comments ]
let const (r:regexp) = [ label "const" . store r . comments ]
let fix_value (value:lens) =
let array = [ label "array" . lbrack
. ( ( Build.opt_list value comma . rbrack . comments )
| (rbrack . ws) ) ]
in let pair = [ label "entry" . str_store . ws . colon . value ]
in let obj = [ label "dict" . lbrace
. ( ( Build.opt_list pair comma. rbrace . comments )
| (rbrace . ws ) ) ]
in (str | number | obj | array | const /true|false|null/)
(* Process arbitrarily deeply nested JSON objects *)
let rec rlns = fix_value rlns
let lns = comments . rlns