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2022-11-08 20:57:02 +03:00
module Test_debctrl =
let source = "Source: libtest-distmanifest-perl\n"
let source_result = { "Source" = "libtest-distmanifest-perl" }
test (Debctrl.simple_entry Debctrl.simple_src_keyword ) get source =
test (Debctrl.simple_entry Debctrl.simple_src_keyword ) get
"Maintainer: Debian Perl Group <>\n"
= { "Maintainer" = "Debian Perl Group <>"
let uploaders
= "Uploaders: foo@bar, Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@xx.yyy>,\n"
. " gregor herrmann <gregoa@xxx.yy>\n"
let uploaders_result =
{ "Uploaders"
{ "1" = "foo@bar"}
{ "2" = "Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@xx.yyy>" }
{ "3" = "gregor herrmann <gregoa@xxx.yy>" } }
test Debctrl.uploaders get uploaders = uploaders_result
(* test package dependencies *)
test Debctrl.version_depends get "( >= 5.8.8-12 )" =
{ "version" { "relation" = ">=" } { "number" = "5.8.8-12" } }
test Debctrl.arch_depends get "[ !hurd-i386]" =
{ "arch" { "prefix" = "!" } { "name" = "hurd-i386" } }
test Debctrl.arch_depends get "[ hurd-i386]" =
{ "arch" { "prefix" = "" } { "name" = "hurd-i386" } }
let p_depends_test = "perl ( >= 5.8.8-12 ) [ !hurd-i386]"
test Debctrl.package_depends get p_depends_test =
{ "perl"
{ "version"
{ "relation" = ">=" }
{ "number" = "5.8.8-12" } }
{ "arch" { "prefix" = "!" } { "name" = "hurd-i386" } } }
let dependency_test = "perl-modules (>= 5.10) | libmodule-build-perl"
test Debctrl.dependency get dependency_test =
{ "or" { "perl-modules"
{ "version" { "relation" = ">=" }
{ "number" = "5.10" } } } }
{ "or" { "libmodule-build-perl" } }
test (Debctrl.dependency_list "Build-Depends-Indep") get
"Build-Depends-Indep: perl (>= 5.8.8-12) [ !hurd-i386], \n"
. " perl-modules (>= 5.10) | libmodule-build-perl,\n"
. " libcarp-assert-more-perl,\n"
. " libconfig-tiny-perl\n"
= { "Build-Depends-Indep"
{ "and" { "or" { "perl"
{ "version"
{ "relation" = ">=" }
{ "number" = "5.8.8-12" } }
{ "arch"
{ "prefix" = "!" }
{ "name" = "hurd-i386" } } } } }
{ "and" { "or" { "perl-modules"
{ "version" { "relation" = ">=" }
{ "number" = "5.10" } } } }
{ "or" { "libmodule-build-perl" } } }
{ "and" { "or" { "libcarp-assert-more-perl" } } }
{ "and" { "or" { "libconfig-tiny-perl" } } } }
test (Debctrl.dependency_list "Depends") get
"Depends: ${perl:Depends}, ${misc:Depends},\n"
." libparse-recdescent-perl (>= 1.90.0)\n"
= { "Depends"
{ "and" { "or" { "${perl:Depends}" }} }
{ "and" { "or" { "${misc:Depends}" }} }
{ "and" { "or" { "libparse-recdescent-perl"
{ "version"
{ "relation" = ">=" }
{ "number" = "1.90.0" } } } } }
let description = "Description: describe and edit configuration data\n"
." Config::Model enables [...] must:\n"
." - if the configuration data\n"
." .\n"
." With the elements above, (...) on ReadLine.\n"
test Debctrl.description get description =
{ "Description"
{ "summary" = "describe and edit configuration data" }
{ "text" = "Config::Model enables [...] must:" }
{ "text" = " - if the configuration data" }
{ "text" = "." }
{ "text" = "With the elements above, (...) on ReadLine."} }
let simple_bin_pkg1 = "Package: libconfig-model-perl\n"
. "Architecture: all\n"
. "Description: dummy1\n"
. " dummy text 1\n"
let simple_bin_pkg2 = "Package: libconfig-model2-perl\n"
. "Architecture: all\n"
. "Description: dummy2\n"
. " dummy text 2\n"
test Debctrl.src_entries get source.uploaders
= { "Source" = "libtest-distmanifest-perl" }
{ "Uploaders"
{ "1" = "foo@bar"}
{ "2" = "Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@xx.yyy>" }
{ "3" = "gregor herrmann <gregoa@xxx.yy>" } }
test Debctrl.bin_entries get simple_bin_pkg1 =
{ "Package" = "libconfig-model-perl" }
{ "Architecture" = "all" }
{ "Description" { "summary" = "dummy1" } {"text" = "dummy text 1" } }
let paragraph_simple = source . uploaders ."\n"
. simple_bin_pkg1 . "\n"
. simple_bin_pkg2
test Debctrl.lns get paragraph_simple =
{ "srcpkg" { "Source" = "libtest-distmanifest-perl" }
{ "Uploaders"
{ "1" = "foo@bar"}
{ "2" = "Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@xx.yyy>" }
{ "3" = "gregor herrmann <gregoa@xxx.yy>" } } }
{ "binpkg" { "Package" = "libconfig-model-perl" }
{ "Architecture" = "all" }
{ "Description" { "summary" = "dummy1" }
{ "text" = "dummy text 1" } } }
{ "binpkg" { "Package" = "libconfig-model2-perl" }
{ "Architecture" = "all" }
{ "Description" { "summary" = "dummy2" }
{ "text" = "dummy text 2" } } }
test Debctrl.src_entries
put uploaders
after set "/Uploaders/1" "foo@bar"
= uploaders
test Debctrl.src_entries
put uploaders
after set "/Uploaders/1" "bar@bar"
= "Uploaders: bar@bar, Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@xx.yyy>,\n"
. " gregor herrmann <gregoa@xxx.yy>\n"
test Debctrl.src_entries
put uploaders
after set "/Uploaders/4" "baz@bar"
= "Uploaders: foo@bar, Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@xx.yyy>,\n"
. " gregor herrmann <gregoa@xxx.yy>,\n"
. " baz@bar\n"
test Debctrl.lns put (source."\nPackage: test\nDescription: foobar\n")
set "/srcpkg/Uploaders/1" "foo@bar" ;
set "/srcpkg/Uploaders/2" "Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@xx.yyy>" ;
set "/srcpkg/Uploaders/3" "gregor herrmann <gregoa@xxx.yy>" ;
set "/srcpkg/Build-Depends-Indep/and[1]/or/perl/version/relation" ">=" ;
set "/srcpkg/Build-Depends-Indep/and[1]/or/perl/version/number" "5.8.8-12" ;
set "/srcpkg/Build-Depends-Indep/and[1]/or/perl/arch/prefix" "!" ;
set "/srcpkg/Build-Depends-Indep/and[1]/or/perl/arch/name" "hurd-i386" ;
set "/srcpkg/Build-Depends-Indep/and[2]/or[1]/perl-modules/version/relation" ">=" ;
set "/srcpkg/Build-Depends-Indep/and[2]/or[1]/perl-modules/version/number" "5.10" ;
set "/srcpkg/Build-Depends-Indep/and[2]/or[2]/libmodule-build-perl" "";
set "/srcpkg/Build-Depends-Indep/and[3]/or/libcarp-assert-more-perl" "" ;
set "/srcpkg/Build-Depends-Indep/and[4]/or/libconfig-tiny-perl" "" ;
set "/binpkg[1]/Package" "libconfig-model-perl" ;
(* must remove description because set cannot insert Archi before description *)
rm "/binpkg[1]/Description" ;
set "/binpkg/Architecture" "all" ;
set "/binpkg[1]/Description/summary" "dummy1" ;
set "/binpkg[1]/Description/text" "dummy text 1" ;
set "/binpkg[2]/Package" "libconfig-model2-perl" ;
set "/binpkg[2]/Architecture" "all" ;
set "/binpkg[2]/Description/summary" "dummy2" ;
set "/binpkg[2]/Description/text" "dummy text 2"
"Source: libtest-distmanifest-perl
Uploaders: foo@bar,
Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@xx.yyy>,
gregor herrmann <gregoa@xxx.yy>
Build-Depends-Indep: perl ( >= 5.8.8-12 ) [ !hurd-i386 ],
perl-modules ( >= 5.10 ) | libmodule-build-perl,
Package: libconfig-model-perl
Architecture: all
Description: dummy1
dummy text 1
Package: libconfig-model2-perl
Architecture: all
Description: dummy2
dummy text 2
(* Test Augeas' own control file *)
let augeas_control = "Source: augeas
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Nicolas Valcárcel Scerpella (Canonical) <>
Uploaders: Free Ekanayaka <>, Micah Anderson <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), autotools-dev, libreadline-dev, chrpath,
naturaldocs (>= 1.51-1), texlive-latex-base
Standards-Version: 3.9.2
Section: libs
DM-Upload-Allowed: yes
Package: augeas-tools
Section: admin
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: Augeas command line tools
Augeas is a configuration editing tool. It parses configuration files in their
native formats and transforms them into a tree. Configuration changes are made
by manipulating this tree and saving it back into native config files.
This package provides command line tools based on libaugeas0:
- augtool, a tool to manage configuration files.
- augparse, a testing and debugging tool for augeas lenses.
Package: libaugeas-dev
Section: libdevel
Architecture: any
Depends: libaugeas0 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: Development files for writing applications based on libaugeas0
Augeas is a configuration editing tool. It parses configuration files in their
native formats and transforms them into a tree. Configuration changes are made
by manipulating this tree and saving it back into native config files.
This package includes the development files to write programs using the Augeas
test DebCtrl.lns get augeas_control =
{ "srcpkg"
{ "Source" = "augeas" }
{ "Priority" = "optional" }
{ "Maintainer" = "Nicolas Valcárcel Scerpella (Canonical) <>" }
{ "Uploaders"
{ "1" = "Free Ekanayaka <>" }
{ "2" = "Micah Anderson <>" }
{ "Build-Depends"
{ "and"
{ "or"
{ "debhelper"
{ "version"
{ "relation" = ">=" }
{ "number" = "5" }
{ "and"
{ "or"
{ "autotools-dev" }
{ "and"
{ "or"
{ "libreadline-dev" }
{ "and"
{ "or"
{ "chrpath" }
{ "and"
{ "or"
{ "naturaldocs"
{ "version"
{ "relation" = ">=" }
{ "number" = "1.51-1" }
{ "and"
{ "or"
{ "texlive-latex-base" }
{ "Standards-Version" = "3.9.2" }
{ "Section" = "libs" }
{ "Homepage" = "" }
{ "DM-Upload-Allowed" = "yes" }
{ "binpkg"
{ "Package" = "augeas-tools" }
{ "Section" = "admin" }
{ "Architecture" = "any" }
{ "Depends"
{ "and"
{ "or"
{ "${shlibs:Depends}" }
{ "and"
{ "or"
{ "${misc:Depends}" }
{ "Description"
{ "summary" = "Augeas command line tools" }
{ "text" = "Augeas is a configuration editing tool. It parses configuration files in their" }
{ "text" = "native formats and transforms them into a tree. Configuration changes are made" }
{ "text" = "by manipulating this tree and saving it back into native config files." }
{ "text" = "." }
{ "text" = "This package provides command line tools based on libaugeas0:" }
{ "text" = "- augtool, a tool to manage configuration files." }
{ "text" = "- augparse, a testing and debugging tool for augeas lenses." }
{ "binpkg"
{ "Package" = "libaugeas-dev" }
{ "Section" = "libdevel" }
{ "Architecture" = "any" }
{ "Depends"
{ "and"
{ "or"
{ "libaugeas0"
{ "version"
{ "relation" = "=" }
{ "number" = "${binary:Version}" }
{ "and"
{ "or"
{ "${shlibs:Depends}" }
{ "and"
{ "or"
{ "${misc:Depends}" }
{ "Description"
{ "summary" = "Development files for writing applications based on libaugeas0" }
{ "text" = "Augeas is a configuration editing tool. It parses configuration files in their" }
{ "text" = "native formats and transforms them into a tree. Configuration changes are made" }
{ "text" = "by manipulating this tree and saving it back into native config files." }
{ "text" = "." }
{ "text" = "This package includes the development files to write programs using the Augeas" }
{ "text" = "API." }
(* Bug #267: Python module extensions, from Debian Python Policy, chapter 2 *)
let python_control = "Source: graphite-web
Maintainer: Will Pearson (Editure Key) <>
Section: python
Priority: optional
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7), python-support (>= 0.8.4)
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
XS-Python-Version: current
Package: python-graphite-web
Architecture: all
Depends: ${python:Depends}
XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
Provides: ${python:Provides}
Description: Enterprise scalable realtime graphing
test Debctrl.lns get python_control =
{ "srcpkg"
{ "Source" = "graphite-web" }
{ "Maintainer" = "Will Pearson (Editure Key) <>" }
{ "Section" = "python" }
{ "Priority" = "optional" }
{ "Build-Depends"
{ "and"
{ "or"
{ "debhelper"
{ "version"
{ "relation" = ">=" }
{ "number" = "7" }
{ "and"
{ "or"
{ "python-support"
{ "version"
{ "relation" = ">=" }
{ "number" = "0.8.4" }
{ "Standards-Version" = "3.7.2" }
{ "XS-Python-Version" = "current" }
{ "binpkg"
{ "Package" = "python-graphite-web" }
{ "Architecture" = "all" }
{ "Depends"
{ "and"
{ "or"
{ "${python:Depends}" }
{ "XB-Python-Version" = "${python:Versions}" }
{ "Provides"
{ "and"
{ "or"
{ "${python:Provides}" }
{ "Description"
{ "summary" = "Enterprise scalable realtime graphing" }