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2022-11-08 20:57:02 +03:00
module Test_httpd =
(* Check that we can iterate on directive *)
let _ = Httpd.directive+
(* Check that we can do a non iterative section *)
let _ = Httpd.section Httpd.directive
(* directives testing *)
let d1 = "ServerRoot \"/etc/apache2\"\n"
test Httpd.directive get d1 =
{ "directive" = "ServerRoot"
{ "arg" = "\"/etc/apache2\"" }
(* simple quotes *)
let d1s = "ServerRoot '/etc/apache2'\n"
test Httpd.directive get d1s =
{ "directive" = "ServerRoot"
{ "arg" = "'/etc/apache2'" }
let d2 = "ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/\n"
test Httpd.directive get d2 =
{ "directive" = "ScriptAlias"
{ "arg" = "/cgi-bin/" }
{ "arg" = "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/" }
let d3 = "LockFile /var/lock/apache2/accept.lock\n"
test Httpd.directive get d3 =
{ "directive" = "LockFile"
{ "arg" = "/var/lock/apache2/accept.lock" }
let c1 = "
let c1_put =
<IfModule foo bar>
test Httpd.lns get c1 = { }{ "IfModule" }
test Httpd.lns put c1 after set "/IfModule/arg[1]" "foo";
set "/IfModule/arg[2]" "bar" = c1_put
let c2 = "
<IfModule !mpm_winnt.c>
<IfModule !mpm_netware.c>
LockFile /var/lock/apache2/accept.lock
test Httpd.lns get c2 =
{ }
{ "IfModule"
{ "arg" = "!mpm_winnt.c" }
{ "IfModule"
{ "arg" = "!mpm_netware.c" }
{ "directive" = "LockFile"
{ "arg" = "/var/lock/apache2/accept.lock" }
(* arguments must be the first child of the section *)
test Httpd.lns put c2 after rm "/IfModule/arg";
insb "arg" "/IfModule/*[1]";
set "/IfModule/arg" "foo" =
<IfModule foo>
<IfModule !mpm_netware.c>
LockFile /var/lock/apache2/accept.lock
let c3 = "
<IfModule mpm_event_module>
StartServers 2
MaxClients 150
MinSpareThreads 25
MaxSpareThreads 75
ThreadLimit 64
ThreadsPerChild 25
MaxRequestsPerChild 0
test Httpd.lns get c3 =
{ }
{ "IfModule"
{ "arg" = "mpm_event_module" }
{ "directive" = "StartServers"
{ "arg" = "2" }
{ "directive" = "MaxClients"
{ "arg" = "150" }
{ "directive" = "MinSpareThreads"
{ "arg" = "25" }
{ "directive" = "MaxSpareThreads"
{ "arg" = "75" }
{ "directive" = "ThreadLimit"
{ "arg" = "64" }
{ "directive" = "ThreadsPerChild"
{ "arg" = "25" }
{ "directive" = "MaxRequestsPerChild"
{ "arg" = "0" }
let c4 = "
<Files ~ \"^\.ht\">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Satisfy all
test Httpd.lns get c4 =
{ }
{ "Files"
{ "arg" = "~" }
{ "arg" = "\"^\.ht\"" }
{ "directive" = "Order"
{ "arg" = "allow,deny" }
{ "directive" = "Deny"
{ "arg" = "from" }
{ "arg" = "all" }
{ "directive" = "Satisfy"
{ "arg" = "all" }
let c5 = "LogFormat \"%{User-agent}i\" agent\n"
test Httpd.lns get c5 =
{ "directive" = "LogFormat"
{ "arg" = "\"%{User-agent}i\"" }
{ "arg" = "agent" }
let c7 = "LogFormat \"%v:%p %h %l %u %t \\\"%r\\\" %>s %O \\\"%{Referer}i\\\" \\\"%{User-Agent}i\\\"\" vhost_combined\n"
test Httpd.lns get c7 =
{ "directive" = "LogFormat"
{ "arg" = "\"%v:%p %h %l %u %t \\\"%r\\\" %>s %O \\\"%{Referer}i\\\" \\\"%{User-Agent}i\\\"\"" }
{ "arg" = "vhost_combined" }
let c8 = "IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# RCS CVS *,v *,t \n"
test Httpd.directive get c8 =
{ "directive" = "IndexIgnore"
{ "arg" = ".??*" }
{ "arg" = "*~" }
{ "arg" = "*#" }
{ "arg" = "RCS" }
{ "arg" = "CVS" }
{ "arg" = "*,v" }
{ "arg" = "*,t" }
(* FIXME: not yet supported:
* The backslash "\" may be used as the last character on a line to indicate
* that the directive continues onto the next line. There must be no other
* characters or white space between the backslash and the end of the line.
let multiline = "Options Indexes \
FollowSymLinks MultiViews
test Httpd.directive get multiline =
{ "directive" = "Options"
{ "arg" = "Indexes" }
{ "arg" = "FollowSymLinks" }
{ "arg" = "MultiViews" }
let conf2 = "<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
<Directory \"/usr/lib/cgi-bin\">
AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
Alias /doc/ \"/usr/share/doc/\"
<Directory \"/usr/share/doc/\">
Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from ::1/128
test Httpd.lns get conf2 =
{ "VirtualHost"
{ "arg" = "*:80" }
{ "directive" = "ServerAdmin"
{ "arg" = "webmaster@localhost" }
{ }
{ "directive" = "DocumentRoot"
{ "arg" = "/var/www" }
{ "Directory"
{ "arg" = "/" }
{ "directive" = "Options"
{ "arg" = "FollowSymLinks" }
{ "directive" = "AllowOverride"
{ "arg" = "None" }
{ "Directory"
{ "arg" = "/var/www/" }
{ "directive" = "Options"
{ "arg" = "Indexes" }
{ "arg" = "FollowSymLinks" }
{ "arg" = "MultiViews" }
{ "directive" = "AllowOverride"
{ "arg" = "None" }
{ "directive" = "Order"
{ "arg" = "allow,deny" }
{ "directive" = "allow"
{ "arg" = "from" }
{ "arg" = "all" }
{ "directive" = "ScriptAlias"
{ "arg" = "/cgi-bin/" }
{ "arg" = "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/" }
{ "Directory"
{ "arg" = "\"/usr/lib/cgi-bin\"" }
{ "directive" = "AllowOverride"
{ "arg" = "None" }
{ "directive" = "Options"
{ "arg" = "+ExecCGI" }
{ "arg" = "-MultiViews" }
{ "arg" = "+SymLinksIfOwnerMatch" }
{ "directive" = "Order"
{ "arg" = "allow,deny" }
{ "directive" = "Allow"
{ "arg" = "from" }
{ "arg" = "all" }
{ "directive" = "ErrorLog"
{ "arg" = "/var/log/apache2/error.log" }
{ }
{ "#comment" = "Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit," }
{ "#comment" = "alert, emerg." }
{ "directive" = "LogLevel"
{ "arg" = "warn" }
{ }
{ "directive" = "CustomLog"
{ "arg" = "/var/log/apache2/access.log" }
{ "arg" = "combined" }
{ }
{ "directive" = "SSLRequireSSL" }
{ }
{ "directive" = "Alias"
{ "arg" = "/doc/" }
{ "arg" = "\"/usr/share/doc/\"" }
{ "Directory"
{ "arg" = "\"/usr/share/doc/\"" }
{ "directive" = "Options"
{ "arg" = "Indexes" }
{ "arg" = "MultiViews" }
{ "arg" = "FollowSymLinks" }
{ "directive" = "AllowOverride"
{ "arg" = "None" }
{ "directive" = "Order"
{ "arg" = "deny,allow" }
{ "directive" = "Deny"
{ "arg" = "from" }
{ "arg" = "all" }
{ "directive" = "Allow"
{ "arg" = "from" }
{ "arg" = "" }
{ "arg" = "::1/128" }
(* Eol comment *)
test Httpd.lns get "<a> # a comment
MyDirective Foo
</a>\n" =
{ "a"
{ "#comment" = "a comment" }
{ "directive" = "MyDirective" { "arg" = "Foo" } } }
test Httpd.lns get "<a>
# a comment
</a>\n" =
{ "a" { "#comment" = "a comment" } }
(* Test: Httpd.lns
Newlines inside quoted value (GH issue #104) *)
test Httpd.lns get "Single 'Foo\\
Double \"Foo\\
bar\"\n" =
{ "directive" = "Single"
{ "arg" = "'Foo\\\nbar'" } }
{ "directive" = "Double"
{ "arg" = "\"Foo\\\nbar\"" } }
(* Test: Httpd.lns
Support >= in tags (GH #154) *)
let versioncheck = "
<IfVersion = 2.1>
<IfModule !proxy_ajp_module>
LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/
<IfVersion >= 2.4>
<IfModule !proxy_ajp_module>
LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/
test Httpd.lns get versioncheck =
{ }
{ "IfVersion"
{ "arg" = "=" }
{ "arg" = "2.1" }
{ "IfModule"
{ "arg" = "!proxy_ajp_module" }
{ "directive" = "LoadModule"
{ "arg" = "proxy_ajp_module" }
{ "arg" = "modules/" }
{ "IfVersion"
{ "arg" = ">=" }
{ "arg" = "2.4" }
{ "IfModule"
{ "arg" = "!proxy_ajp_module" }
{ "directive" = "LoadModule"
{ "arg" = "proxy_ajp_module" }
{ "arg" = "modules/" }
(* GH #220 *)
let double_comment = "<IfDefine Foo>
## Comment
test Httpd.lns get double_comment =
{ "IfDefine"
{ "arg" = "Foo" }
{ "#comment" = "#" }
{ "#comment" = "# Comment" }
{ "#comment" = "#" }
let single_comment = "<IfDefine Foo>
## Comment
test Httpd.lns get single_comment =
{ "IfDefine"
{ "arg" = "Foo" }
{ "#comment" = "# Comment" }
{ "#comment" = "#" }
let single_empty = "<IfDefine Foo>
test Httpd.lns get single_empty =
{ "IfDefine"
{ "arg" = "Foo" }
let eol_empty = "<IfDefine Foo> #
test Httpd.lns get eol_empty =
{ "IfDefine"
{ "arg" = "Foo" }
(* Issue #140 *)
test Httpd.lns get "<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
# one comment
# another comment
</IfModule>\n" =
{ "IfModule"
{ "arg" = "mod_ssl.c" }
{ "#comment" = "one comment" }
{ "#comment" = "another comment" }
(* Issue #307: backslashes in regexes *)
test Httpd.lns get "<VirtualHost *:80>
RewriteRule ^/(.*) http\:\/\/example\.com\/$1 [L,R,NE]
RewriteRule \.css\.gz$ - [T=text/css,E=no-gzip:1]
</VirtualHost>\n" =
{ "VirtualHost"
{ "arg" = "*:80" }
{ "directive" = "RewriteRule"
{ "arg" = "^/(.*)" }
{ "arg" = "http\:\/\/example\.com\/$1" }
{ "arg" = "[L,R,NE]" } }
{ "directive" = "RewriteRule"
{ "arg" = "\.css\.gz$" }
{ "arg" = "-" }
{ "arg" = "[T=text/css,E=no-gzip:1]" } } }
(* *)
test Httpd.lns get "<IfModule>
</ifModule>\n" =
{ "IfModule" }
(* *)
test Httpd.lns get "<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
<VirtualHost *:443>
</VirtualHost> </IfModule>\n" =
{ "IfModule"
{ "arg" = "mod_ssl.c" }
{ "VirtualHost"
{ "arg" = "*:443" }
{ "directive" = "ServerAdmin"
{ "arg" = "" } } } }
(* Double quotes inside braces in directive arguments *)
test Httpd.lns get "SSLRequire %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN} in {\"\",}\n" =
{ "directive" = "SSLRequire"
{ "arg" = "%{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN}" }
{ "arg" = "in" }
{ "wordlist"
{ "arg" = "\"\"" }
{ "arg" = "" } } }
(* Issue #330: optional end double quote to directive arg, for messages *)
test Httpd.lns get "SSLCipherSuite \"EECDH+ECDSA+AESGCM EECDH+aRS$\n" =
{ "directive" = "SSLCipherSuite"
{ "arg" = "\"EECDH+ECDSA+AESGCM EECDH+aRS$" } }
test Httpd.lns get "ErrorDocument 404 \"The requested file favicon.ico was not found.\n" =
{ "directive" = "ErrorDocument"
{ "arg" = "404" }
{ "arg" = "\"The requested file favicon.ico was not found." } }
(* Quotes inside a unquoted directive argument *)
test Httpd.lns get "<VirtualHost *:80>
WSGIDaemonProcess _graphite processes=5 threads=5 display-name='%{GROUP}' inactivity-timeout=120 user=_graphite group=_graphite
</VirtualHost>\n" =
{ "VirtualHost"
{ "arg" = "*:80" }
{ "directive" = "WSGIDaemonProcess"
{ "arg" = "_graphite" }
{ "arg" = "processes=5" }
{ "arg" = "threads=5" }
{ "arg" = "display-name='%{GROUP}'" }
{ "arg" = "inactivity-timeout=120" }
{ "arg" = "user=_graphite" }
{ "arg" = "group=_graphite" } } }
(* Issue #327: perl blocks *)
test Httpd.lns get "<Perl>
</Perl>\n" =
{ "Perl" = "\n Apache::AuthDBI->setCacheTime(600);\n" }
(* Line continuations inside VirtualHost blocks *)
test Httpd.lns get "<VirtualHost \\ \\
[00000:000:000:0000::2]:7080 \\ \\ \\
</VirtualHost>\n" =
{ "VirtualHost"
{ "arg" = "" }
{ "arg" = "[00000:000:000:0000::2]:7080" }
{ "arg" = "" }
{ "arg" = "" } }
(* Blank line continuations inside VirtualHost blocks *)
test Httpd.lns get "<VirtualHost \\ \\
\\ \\
</VirtualHost>\n" =
{ "VirtualHost"
{ "arg" = "" }
{ "arg" = "" } }
(* Non-continuation backslashes inside VirtualHost section headings *)
test Httpd.lns get "<FilesMatch \.php$>
ExpiresActive Off
</FilesMatch>\n" =
{ "FilesMatch"
{ "arg" = "\.php$" }
{ "directive" = "ExpiresActive"
{ "arg" = "Off" } } }
(* Escaped spaces in directive and section arguments *)
test Httpd.lns get "RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /.+/trackback/?\ HTTP/ [NC]\n" =
{ "directive" = "RewriteCond"
{ "arg" = "%{THE_REQUEST}" }
{ "arg" = "^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /.+/trackback/?\ HTTP/" }
{ "arg" = "[NC]" } }
test Httpd.lns get "<FilesMatch \ test\.php$></FilesMatch>\n" =
{ "FilesMatch"
{ "arg" = "\ test\.php$" } }
(* Continuations in comments cause the comment to be continued without a new comment character *)
test Httpd.lns get "#ServerRoot \\\n /var/www\n" =
{ "#comment" = "ServerRoot \\\n /var/www" }
(* Empty comments can contain continuations, too. Issue #423 *)
test Httpd.lns get "# \\\n\n" = { }
test Httpd.comment get "# a\\\n\n" = { "#comment" = "a" }
test Httpd.comment get "# \\\na\\\n\n" = { "#comment" = "a" }
test Httpd.comment get "# \\\n\\\na \\\n\\\n\n" = { "#comment" = "a" }
(* Comparison with empty string did not work. Issue #429 *)
test Httpd.dir_args get ">\"a\"" = { "arg" = ">\"a\"" }
test Httpd.dir_args get ">\"\"" = { "arg" = ">\"\"" }
test Httpd.directive get "RewriteCond ${movedPageMap:$1} >\"a\"\n" =
{ "directive" = "RewriteCond"
{ "arg" = "${movedPageMap:$1}" }
{ "arg" = ">\"a\"" }}
test Httpd.directive get "RewriteCond ${movedPageMap:$1} >\"\"\n" =
{ "directive" = "RewriteCond"
{ "arg" = "${movedPageMap:$1}" }
{ "arg" = ">\"\"" }}
(* Quoted arguments may or may not have space spearating them. Issue #435 *)
test Httpd.directive get
"ProxyPassReverse \"/js\" \"\"\n" =
{ "directive" = "ProxyPassReverse"
{ "arg" = "\"/js\"" }
{ "arg" = "\"\"" } }
test Httpd.directive get
"ProxyPassReverse \"/js\"\"\"\n" =
{ "directive" = "ProxyPassReverse"
{ "arg" = "\"/js\"" }
{ "arg" = "\"\"" } }
(* Don't get confused by quoted strings inside bare arguments. Issue #470 *)
test Httpd.directive get
"RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto https expr=(%{HTTP:CF-Visitor}='{\"scheme\":\"https\"}')\n" =
{ "directive" = "RequestHeader"
{ "arg" = "set" }
{ "arg" = "X-Forwarded-Proto" }
{ "arg" = "https" }
{ "arg" = "expr=(%{HTTP:CF-Visitor}='{\"scheme\":\"https\"}')" } }
(* Issue #577: we make the newline starting a section optional, including
an empty comment at the end of the line. This used to miss empty comments
with whitespace *)
test Httpd.lns get "<If cond>#\n</If>\n" = { "If" { "arg" = "cond" } }
test Httpd.lns get "<If cond># \n</If>\n" = { "If" { "arg" = "cond" } }
test Httpd.lns get "<If cond>\n# \n</If>\n" = { "If" { "arg" = "cond" } }
test Httpd.lns get "<If cond># text\n</If>\n" =
{ "If"
{ "arg" = "cond" }
{ "#comment" = "text" } }
test Httpd.lns get "<If cond>\n\t# text\n</If>\n" =
{ "If"
{ "arg" = "cond" }
{ "#comment" = "text" } }