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2022-11-08 20:57:02 +03:00
Module: Util
Generic module providing useful primitives
Author: David Lutterkort
About: License
This file is licensed under the LGPLv2+, like the rest of Augeas.
module Util =
Variable: del_str
Delete a string and default to it
s:string - the string to delete and default to
let del_str (s:string) = del s s
Variable: del_ws
Delete mandatory whitespace
let del_ws = del /[ \t]+/
Variable: del_ws_spc
Delete mandatory whitespace, default to single space
let del_ws_spc = del_ws " "
Variable: del_ws_tab
Delete mandatory whitespace, default to single tab
let del_ws_tab = del_ws "\t"
Variable: del_opt_ws
Delete optional whitespace
let del_opt_ws = del /[ \t]*/
Variable: eol
Delete end of line, including optional trailing whitespace
let eol = del /[ \t]*\n/ "\n"
Variable: doseol
Delete end of line with optional carriage return,
including optional trailing whitespace
let doseol = del /[ \t]*\r?\n/ "\n"
Variable: indent
Delete indentation, including leading whitespace
let indent = del /[ \t]*/ ""
(* Group: Comment
This is a general definition of comment
It allows indentation for comments, removes the leading and trailing spaces
of comments and stores them in nodes, except for empty comments which are
ignored together with empty lines
(* View: comment_generic_seteol
Map comments and set default comment sign
let comment_generic_seteol (r:regexp) (d:string) (eol:lens) =
[ label "#comment" . del r d
. store /([^ \t\r\n].*[^ \t\r\n]|[^ \t\r\n])/ . eol ]
(* View: comment_generic
Map comments and set default comment sign
let comment_generic (r:regexp) (d:string) =
comment_generic_seteol r d doseol
(* View: comment
Map comments into "#comment" nodes
let comment = comment_generic /[ \t]*#[ \t]*/ "# "
(* View: comment_noindent
Map comments into "#comment" nodes, without indentation
let comment_noindent = comment_generic /#[ \t]*/ "# "
(* View: comment_eol
Map eol comments into "#comment" nodes
Add a space before # for end of line comments
let comment_eol = comment_generic /[ \t]*#[ \t]*/ " # "
(* View: comment_or_eol
A <comment_eol> or <eol>, with an optional empty comment *)
let comment_or_eol = comment_eol | (del /[ \t]*(#[ \t]*)?\n/ "\n")
(* View: comment_multiline
A C-style multiline comment *)
let comment_multiline =
let mline_re = (/[^ \t\r\n].*[^ \t\r\n]|[^ \t\r\n]/ - /.*\*\/.*/) in
let mline = [ seq "mline"
. del /[ \t\r\n]*/ "\n"
. store mline_re ] in
[ label "#mcomment" . del /[ \t]*\/\*/ "/*"
. counter "mline"
. mline . (eol . mline)*
. del /[ \t\r\n]*\*\/[ \t]*\r?\n/ "\n*/\n" ]
(* View: comment_c_style
A comment line, C-style *)
let comment_c_style =
comment_generic /[ \t]*\/\/[ \t]*/ "// "
(* View: comment_c_style_or_hash
A comment line, C-style or hash *)
let comment_c_style_or_hash =
comment_generic /[ \t]*((\/\/)|#)[ \t]*/ "// "
(* View: empty_generic
A generic definition of <empty>
Map empty lines, including empty comments *)
let empty_generic (r:regexp) =
[ del r "" . del_str "\n" ]
(* Variable: empty_generic_re *)
let empty_generic_re = /[ \t]*#?[ \t]*/
(* View: empty
Map empty lines, including empty comments *)
let empty = empty_generic empty_generic_re
(* Variable: empty_c_style_re *)
let empty_c_style_re = /[ \t]*((\/\/)|(\/\*[ \t]*\*\/))?[ \t]*/
(* View: empty_c_style
Map empty lines, including C-style empty comment *)
let empty_c_style = empty_generic empty_c_style_re
(* View: empty_any
Either <empty> or <empty_c_style> *)
let empty_any = empty_generic (empty_generic_re | empty_c_style_re)
(* View: empty_generic_dos
A generic definition of <empty> with dos newlines
Map empty lines, including empty comments *)
let empty_generic_dos (r:regexp) =
[ del r "" . del /\r?\n/ "\n" ]
(* View: empty_dos *)
let empty_dos =
empty_generic_dos /[ \t]*#?[ \t]*/
(* View: Split *)
(* Split (SEP . ELT)* into an array-like tree where each match for ELT *)
(* appears in a separate subtree. The labels for the subtrees are *)
(* consecutive numbers, starting at 0 *)
let split (elt:lens) (sep:lens) =
let sym = gensym "split" in
counter sym . ( [ seq sym . sep . elt ] ) *
(* View: delim *)
let delim (op:string) = del (/[ \t]*/ . op . /[ \t]*/)
(" " . op . " ")
(* Group: Exclusions
Variable: stdexcl
Exclusion for files that are commonly not wanted/needed
let stdexcl = (excl "*~") .
(excl "*.rpmnew") .
(excl "*.rpmsave") .
(excl "*.dpkg-old") .
(excl "*.dpkg-new") .
(excl "*.dpkg-bak") .
(excl "*.dpkg-dist") .
(excl "*.augsave") .
(excl "*.augnew") .
(excl "*.bak") .
(excl "*.old") .
(excl "#*#")