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2022-11-04 03:40:02 +03:00
# Sample ceph ceph.conf file.
# This file defines cluster membership, the various locations
# that Ceph stores data, and any other runtime options.
# If a 'host' is defined for a daemon, the init.d start/stop script will
# verify that it matches the hostname (or else ignore it). If it is
# not defined, it is assumed that the daemon is intended to start on
# the current host (e.g., in a setup with a startup.conf on each
# node).
## Metavariables
# $cluster ; Expands to the Ceph Storage Cluster name. Useful
# ; when running multiple Ceph Storage Clusters
# ; on the same hardware.
# ; Example: /etc/ceph/$cluster.keyring
# ; (Default: ceph)
# $type ; Expands to one of mds, osd, or mon, depending on
# ; the type of the instant daemon.
# ; Example: /var/lib/ceph/$type
# $id ; Expands to the daemon identifier. For osd.0, this
# ; would be 0; for mds.a, it would be a.
# ; Example: /var/lib/ceph/$type/$cluster-$id
# $host ; Expands to the host name of the instant daemon.
# $name ; Expands to $type.$id.
# ; Example: /var/run/ceph/$cluster-$name.asok
fsid = b4b2e571-fbbf-4ff3-a9f8-ab80f08b7fe6 # use `uuidgen` to generate your own UUID
public network =
cluster network =
# Each running Ceph daemon has a running process identifier (PID) file.
# The PID file is generated upon start-up.
# Type: String (optional)
# (Default: N/A). The default path is /var/run/$cluster/$
pid file = /var/run/ceph/$
# If set, when the Ceph Storage Cluster starts, Ceph sets the max open fds
# at the OS level (i.e., the max # of file descriptors).
# It helps prevents Ceph OSD Daemons from running out of file descriptors.
# Type: 64-bit Integer (optional)
# (Default: 0)
max open files = 131072
# If enabled, the Ceph Storage Cluster daemons (i.e., ceph-mon, ceph-osd,
# and ceph-mds) must authenticate with each other.
# Type: String (optional); Valid settings are "cephx" or "none".
# (Default: cephx)
auth cluster required = cephx
# If enabled, the Ceph Storage Cluster daemons require Ceph Clients to
# authenticate with the Ceph Storage Cluster in order to access Ceph
# services.
# Type: String (optional); Valid settings are "cephx" or "none".
# (Default: cephx)
auth service required = cephx
# If enabled, the Ceph Client requires the Ceph Storage Cluster to
# authenticate with the Ceph Client.
# Type: String (optional); Valid settings are "cephx" or "none".
# (Default: cephx)
auth client required = cephx
# If set to true, Ceph requires signatures on all message traffic between
# the Ceph Client and the Ceph Storage Cluster, and between daemons
# comprising the Ceph Storage Cluster.
# Type: Boolean (optional)
# (Default: false)
cephx require signatures = true
# kernel RBD client do not support authentication yet:
cephx cluster require signatures = true
cephx service require signatures = false
# The path to the keyring file.
# Type: String (optional)
# Default: /etc/ceph/$cluster.$name.keyring,/etc/ceph/$cluster.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin
keyring = /etc/ceph/$cluster.$name.keyring
## Replication level, number of data copies.
# Type: 32-bit Integer
# (Default: 3)
osd pool default size = 3
## Replication level in degraded state, less than 'osd pool default size' value.
# Sets the minimum number of written replicas for objects in the
# pool in order to acknowledge a write operation to the client. If
# minimum is not met, Ceph will not acknowledge the write to the
# client. This setting ensures a minimum number of replicas when
# operating in degraded mode.
# Type: 32-bit Integer
# (Default: 0), which means no particular minimum. If 0, minimum is size - (size / 2).
osd pool default min size = 2
## Ensure you have a realistic number of placement groups. We recommend
## approximately 100 per OSD. E.g., total number of OSDs multiplied by 100
## divided by the number of replicas (i.e., osd pool default size). So for
## 10 OSDs and osd pool default size = 3, we'd recommend approximately
## (100 * 10) / 3 = 333
# Description: The default number of placement groups for a pool. The
# default value is the same as pg_num with mkpool.
# Type: 32-bit Integer
# (Default: 8)
osd pool default pg num = 128
# Description: The default number of placement groups for placement for a
# pool. The default value is the same as pgp_num with mkpool.
# PG and PGP should be equal (for now).
# Type: 32-bit Integer
# (Default: 8)
osd pool default pgp num = 128
# The default CRUSH ruleset to use when creating a pool
# Type: 32-bit Integer
# (Default: 0)
osd pool default crush rule = 0
# The bucket type to use for chooseleaf in a CRUSH rule.
# Uses ordinal rank rather than name.
# Type: 32-bit Integer
# (Default: 1) Typically a host containing one or more Ceph OSD Daemons.
osd crush chooseleaf type = 1
# The location of the logging file for your cluster.
# Type: String
# Required: No
# Default: /var/log/ceph/$cluster-$name.log
log file = /var/log/ceph/$cluster-$name.log
# Determines if logging messages should appear in syslog.
# Type: Boolean
# Required: No
# (Default: false)
log to syslog = true
# Enable if you want your daemons to bind to IPv6 address instead of
# IPv4 ones. (Not required if you specify a daemon or cluster IP.)
# Type: Boolean
# (Default: false)
ms bind ipv6 = true
## Monitors
## You need at least one. You need at least three if you want to
## tolerate any node failures. Always create an odd number.
# The IDs of initial monitors in a cluster during startup.
# If specified, Ceph requires an odd number of monitors to form an
# initial quorum (e.g., 3).
# Type: String
# (Default: None)
mon initial members = mycephhost
mon host = cephhost01,cephhost02
mon addr =,
# The monitor's data location
# Default: /var/lib/ceph/mon/$cluster-$id
mon data = /var/lib/ceph/mon/$name
# The clock drift in seconds allowed between monitors.
# Type: Float
# (Default: .050)
mon clock drift allowed = .15
# Exponential backoff for clock drift warnings
# Type: Float
# (Default: 5)
mon clock drift warn backoff = 30 # Tell the monitor to backoff from this warning for 30 seconds
# The percentage of disk space used before an OSD is considered full.
# Type: Float
# (Default: .95)
mon osd full ratio = .95
# The percentage of disk space used before an OSD is considered nearfull.
# Type: Float
# (Default: .85)
mon osd nearfull ratio = .85
# The number of seconds Ceph waits before marking a Ceph OSD
# Daemon "down" and "out" if it doesn't respond.
# Type: 32-bit Integer
# (Default: 300)
mon osd down out interval = 300
# The grace period in seconds before declaring unresponsive Ceph OSD
# Daemons "down".
# Type: 32-bit Integer
# (Default: 900)
mon osd report timeout = 300
# logging, for debugging monitor crashes, in order of
# their likelihood of being helpful :)
debug ms = 1
debug mon = 20
debug paxos = 20
debug auth = 20
host = alpha
mon addr =
host = beta
mon addr =
host = gamma
mon addr =
## Metadata servers
# You must deploy at least one metadata server to use CephFS. There is
# experimental support for running multiple metadata servers. Do not run
# multiple metadata servers in production.
# where the mds keeps it's secret encryption keys
keyring = /var/lib/ceph/mds/$name/keyring
# Determines whether a 'ceph-mds' daemon should poll and
# replay the log of an active MDS (hot standby).
# Type: Boolean
# (Default: false)
mds standby replay = true
# mds logging to debug issues.
debug ms = 1
debug mds = 20
debug journaler = 20
# The number of inodes to cache.
# Type: 32-bit Integer
# (Default: 100000)
mds cache size = 250000
host = alpha
host = beta
## osd
# You need at least one. Two or more if you want data to be replicated.
# Define as many as you like.
# The path to the OSDs data.
# You must create the directory when deploying Ceph.
# You should mount a drive for OSD data at this mount point.
# We do not recommend changing the default.
# Type: String
# Default: /var/lib/ceph/osd/$cluster-$id
osd data = /var/lib/ceph/osd/$name
## You can change the number of recovery operations to speed up recovery
## or slow it down if your machines can't handle it
# The number of active recovery requests per OSD at one time.
# More requests will accelerate recovery, but the requests
# places an increased load on the cluster.
# Type: 32-bit Integer
# (Default: 5)
osd recovery max active = 3
# The maximum number of backfills allowed to or from a single OSD.
# Type: 64-bit Integer
# (Default: 10)
osd max backfills = 5
# The maximum number of simultaneous scrub operations for a Ceph OSD Daemon.
# Type: 32-bit Int
# (Default: 1)
osd max scrubs = 2
# You may add settings for ceph-deploy so that it will create and mount
# the correct type of file system. Remove the comment `#` character for
# the following settings and replace the values in parenthesis
# with appropriate values, or leave the following settings commented
# out to accept the default values.
#osd mkfs type = {fs-type}
#osd mkfs options {fs-type} = {mkfs options} # default for xfs is "-f"
#osd mount options {fs-type} = {mount options} # default mount option is "rw, noatime"
osd mkfs type = btrfs
osd mount options btrfs = noatime,nodiratime
## Ideally, make this a separate disk or partition. A few
## hundred MB should be enough; more if you have fast or many
## disks. You can use a file under the osd data dir if need be
## (e.g. /data/$name/journal), but it will be slower than a
## separate disk or partition.
# The path to the OSD's journal. This may be a path to a file or a block
# device (such as a partition of an SSD). If it is a file, you must
# create the directory to contain it.
# We recommend using a drive separate from the osd data drive.
# Type: String
# Default: /var/lib/ceph/osd/$cluster-$id/journal
osd journal = /var/lib/ceph/osd/$name/journal
# Check log files for corruption. Can be computationally expensive.
# Type: Boolean
# (Default: false)
osd check for log corruption = true
# The size of the journal in megabytes. If this is 0,
# and the journal is a block device, the entire block device is used.
# Since v0.54, this is ignored if the journal is a block device,
# and the entire block device is used.
# Type: 32-bit Integer
# (Default: 5120)
# Recommended: Begin with 1GB. Should be at least twice the product
# of the expected speed multiplied by "filestore max sync interval".
osd journal size = 2048 ; journal size, in megabytes
## If you want to run the journal on a tmpfs, disable DirectIO
# Enables direct i/o to the journal.
# Requires "journal block align" set to "true".
# Type: Boolean
# Required: Yes when using aio.
# (Default: true)
journal dio = false
# osd logging to debug osd issues, in order of likelihood of being helpful
debug ms = 1
debug osd = 20
debug filestore = 20
debug journal = 20
# The maximum interval in seconds for synchronizing the filestore.
# Type: Double (optional)
# (Default: 5)
filestore max sync interval = 5
# Enable snapshots for a btrfs filestore.
# Type: Boolean
# Required: No. Only used for btrfs.
# (Default: true)
filestore btrfs snap = false
# Enables the filestore flusher.
# Type: Boolean
# Required: No
# (Default: false)
filestore flusher = true
# Defines the maximum number of in progress operations the file store
# accepts before blocking on queuing new operations.
# Type: Integer
# Required: No. Minimal impact on performance.
# (Default: 500)
filestore queue max ops = 500
## Filestore and OSD settings can be tweak to achieve better performance
# Min number of files in a subdir before merging into parent NOTE: A negative value means to disable subdir merging
# Type: Integer
# Required: No
# Default: 10
filestore merge threshold = 10
# filestore_split_multiple * abs(filestore_merge_threshold) * 16 is the maximum number of files in a subdirectory before splitting into child directories.
# Type: Integer
# Required: No
# Default: 2
filestore split multiple = 2
# The number of filesystem operation threads that execute in parallel.
# Type: Integer
# Required: No
# Default: 2
filestore op threads = 4
# The number of threads to service Ceph OSD Daemon operations. Set to 0 to disable it. Increasing the number may increase the request processing rate.
# Type: 32-bit Integer
# Default: 2
osd op threads = 2
# By default OSDs update their details (location, weight and root) on the CRUSH map during startup
# Type: Boolean
# Required: No;
# (Default: true)
osd crush update on start = false
host = delta
host = epsilon
host = zeta
host = eta
## client settings
# Enable caching for RADOS Block Device (RBD).
# Type: Boolean
# Required: No
# (Default: true)
rbd cache = true
# The RBD cache size in bytes.
# Type: 64-bit Integer
# Required: No
# (Default: 32 MiB)
;rbd cache size = 33554432
# The dirty limit in bytes at which the cache triggers write-back.
# If 0, uses write-through caching.
# Type: 64-bit Integer
# Required: No
# Constraint: Must be less than rbd cache size.
# (Default: 24 MiB)
rbd cache max dirty = 25165824
# The dirty target before the cache begins writing data to the data storage.
# Does not block writes to the cache.
# Type: 64-bit Integer
# Required: No
# Constraint: Must be less than rbd cache max dirty.
# (Default: 16 MiB)
rbd cache target dirty = 16777216
# The number of seconds dirty data is in the cache before writeback starts.
# Type: Float
# Required: No
# (Default: 1.0)
rbd cache max dirty age = 1.0
# Start out in write-through mode, and switch to write-back after the
# first flush request is received. Enabling this is a conservative but
# safe setting in case VMs running on rbd are too old to send flushes,
# like the virtio driver in Linux before 2.6.32.
# Type: Boolean
# Required: No
# (Default: true)
rbd cache writethrough until flush = true
# The Ceph admin socket allows you to query a daemon via a socket interface
# From a client perspective this can be a virtual machine using librbd
# Type: String
# Required: No
admin socket = /var/run/ceph/$cluster-$type.$id.$pid.$cctid.asok
## radosgw client settings
# Sets the location of the data files for Ceph Object Gateway.
# You must create the directory when deploying Ceph.
# We do not recommend changing the default.
# Type: String
# Default: /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/$cluster-$id
rgw data = /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/$name
# Client's hostname
host = ceph-radosgw
# where the radosgw keeps it's secret encryption keys
keyring = /etc/ceph/ceph.client.radosgw.keyring
# FastCgiExternalServer uses this socket.
# If you do not specify a socket path, Ceph Object Gateway will not run as an external server.
# The path you specify here must be the same as the path specified in the rgw.conf file.
# Type: String
# Default: None
rgw socket path = /var/run/ceph/ceph.radosgw.gateway.fastcgi.sock
# The location of the logging file for your radosgw.
# Type: String
# Required: No
# Default: /var/log/ceph/$cluster-$name.log
log file = /var/log/ceph/client.radosgw.gateway.log
# Enable 100-continue if it is operational.
# Type: Boolean
# Default: true
rgw print continue = false
# The DNS name of the served domain.
# Type: String
# Default: None
rgw dns name = radosgw.ceph.internal