module Test_squid = let conf = "# comment at the beginning of the file auth_param negotiate children 5 acl many_spaces rep_header Content-Disposition -i [[:space:]]{3,} acl CONNECT method CONNECT # comment in the middle acl local_network src http_access allow manager localhost http_access allow local_network " test Squid.lns get conf = { "#comment" = "comment at the beginning of the file" } {} { "auth_param" { "scheme" = "negotiate" } { "parameter" = "children" } { "setting" = "5" } } { "acl" { "many_spaces" { "type" = "rep_header" } { "setting" = "Content-Disposition" } { "parameters" { "1" = "-i" } { "2" = "[[:space:]]{3,}" } } } } { "acl" { "CONNECT" { "type" = "method" } { "setting" = "CONNECT" } } } { "#comment" = "comment in the middle" } { "acl" { "local_network" { "type" = "src" } { "setting" = "" } } } {} { "http_access" { "allow" = "manager" { "parameters" { "1" = "localhost" } } } } { "http_access" { "allow" = "local_network" } } (* This tests the Debian lenny default squid.conf Comments were stripped out *) let debian_lenny_default = "acl all src all acl manager proto cache_object acl localhost src acl to_localhost dst acl purge method PURGE acl CONNECT method CONNECT http_access allow manager localhost http_access deny manager http_access allow purge localhost http_access deny purge http_access deny !Safe_ports http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports http_access allow localhost http_access deny all no_cache deny query_no_cache icp_access allow localnet icp_access deny all http_port 3128 hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ? access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080 refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440 refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0 refresh_pattern (Release|Package(.gz)*)$ 0 20% 2880 refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320 ignore-reload ignore-auth # testing options acl shoutcast rep_header X-HTTP09-First-Line ^ICY\s[0-9] upgrade_http0.9 deny shoutcast acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache broken_vary_encoding allow apache extension_methods REPORT MERGE MKACTIVITY CHECKOUT hosts_file /etc/hosts coredump_dir /var/spool/squid " test Squid.lns get debian_lenny_default = { "acl" { "all" { "type" = "src" } { "setting" = "all" } } } { "acl" { "manager" { "type" = "proto" } { "setting" = "cache_object" } } } { "acl" { "localhost" { "type" = "src" } { "setting" = "" } } } { "acl" { "to_localhost" { "type" = "dst" } { "setting" = "" } } } { "acl" { "purge" { "type" = "method" } { "setting" = "PURGE" } } } { "acl" { "CONNECT" { "type" = "method" } { "setting" = "CONNECT" } } } { "http_access" { "allow" = "manager" { "parameters" { "1" = "localhost" } } } } { "http_access" { "deny" = "manager" } } { "http_access" { "allow" = "purge" { "parameters" { "1" = "localhost" } } } } { "http_access" { "deny" = "purge" } } { "http_access" { "deny" = "!Safe_ports" } } { "http_access" { "deny" = "CONNECT" { "parameters" { "1" = "!SSL_ports" } } } } { "http_access" { "allow" = "localhost" } } { "http_access" { "deny" = "all" } } { "no_cache" = "deny query_no_cache" } { "icp_access" = "allow localnet" } { "icp_access" = "deny all" } { "http_port" = "3128" } { "hierarchy_stoplist" = "cgi-bin ?" } { "access_log" = "/var/log/squid/access.log squid" } { "refresh_pattern" = "^ftp:" { "min" = "1440" } { "percent" = "20" } { "max" = "10080" } } { "refresh_pattern" = "^gopher:" { "min" = "1440" } { "percent" = "0" } { "max" = "1440" } } { "refresh_pattern" = "(/cgi-bin/|\?)" { "case_insensitive" } { "min" = "0" } { "percent" = "0" } { "max" = "0" } } { "refresh_pattern" = "(Release|Package(.gz)*)$" { "min" = "0" } { "percent" = "20" } { "max" = "2880" } } { "refresh_pattern" = "." { "min" = "0" } { "percent" = "20" } { "max" = "4320" } { "option" = "ignore-reload" } { "option" = "ignore-auth" } { "#comment" = "testing options" } } { "acl" { "shoutcast" { "type" = "rep_header" } { "setting" = "X-HTTP09-First-Line" } { "parameters" { "1" = "^ICY\s[0-9]" } } } } { "upgrade_http0.9" { "deny" = "shoutcast" } } { "acl" { "apache" { "type" = "rep_header" } { "setting" = "Server" } { "parameters" { "1" = "^Apache" } } } } { "broken_vary_encoding" { "allow" = "apache" } } { "extension_methods" { "1" = "REPORT" } { "2" = "MERGE" } { "3" = "MKACTIVITY" } { "4" = "CHECKOUT" } } { "hosts_file" = "/etc/hosts" } { "coredump_dir" = "/var/spool/squid" }