module Test_syslog = let conf="# $FreeBSD: src/etc/syslog.conf,v 2009/08/03 08:13:06 kensmith Exp $ # /var/log/cvsupd.log security.* -/var/log/security *.notice;authpriv.none;kern.debug;;mail.crit;news.err /var/log/messages uucp,news.crit /var/log/spooler *.emerg * daemon.!info /var/log/foo daemon.<=info /var/log/foo daemon.!<=info /var/log/foo *.* @syslog.far.away *.* @syslog.far.away:123 *.* @@syslog.far.away *.* @@syslog.far.away:123 *.* @[2001::1]:514 *.* foo,bar *.* |\"/usr/bin/soft arg\" !startslip # get that out *.* /var/log/slip.log !pppd,ppp *.* /var/log/ppp.log !+startslip *.* /var/log/slip.log !-startslip *.* /var/log/slip.log #!pppd *.* /var/log/ppp.log /var/log/cvsupd.log, /var/log/cvsupd.log /var/log/cvsupd.log /var/log/cvsupd.log +* /var/log/cvsupd.log !* /var/log/cvsupd.log *.=debug;\ auth,authpriv.none;\ news.none;mail.none -/var/log/debug # !pppd " test Syslog.lns get conf = { "#comment" = "$FreeBSD: src/etc/syslog.conf,v 2009/08/03 08:13:06 kensmith Exp $" } { } { } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "daemon" } { "level" = "info" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/cvsupd.log" } } } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "security" } { "level" = "*" } } { "action" { "no_sync" } { "file" = "/var/log/security" } } } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "*" } { "level" = "notice" } } { "selector" { "facility" = "authpriv" } { "level" = "none" } } { "selector" { "facility" = "kern" } { "level" = "debug" } } { "selector" { "facility" = "lpr" } { "level" = "info" } } { "selector" { "facility" = "mail" } { "level" = "crit" } } { "selector" { "facility" = "news" } { "level" = "err" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/messages" } } } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "uucp" } { "facility" = "news" } { "level" = "crit" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/spooler" } } } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "*" } { "level" = "emerg" } } { "action" { "user" = "*" } } } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "daemon" } { "comparison" = "!" } { "level" = "info" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/foo" } } } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "daemon" } { "comparison" = "<=" } { "level" = "info" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/foo" } } } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "daemon" } { "comparison" = "!<=" } { "level" = "info" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/foo" } } } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "*" } { "level" = "*" } } { "action" { "protocol" = "@" } { "hostname" = "syslog.far.away" } } } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "*" } { "level" = "*" } } { "action" { "protocol" = "@" } { "hostname" = "syslog.far.away" } { "port" = "123" } } } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "*" } { "level" = "*" } } { "action" { "protocol" = "@@" } { "hostname" = "syslog.far.away" } } } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "*" } { "level" = "*" } } { "action" { "protocol" = "@@" } { "hostname" = "syslog.far.away" } { "port" = "123" } } } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "*" } { "level" = "*" } } { "action" { "protocol" = "@" } { "hostname" = "[2001::1]" } { "port" = "514" } } } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "*" } { "level" = "*" } } { "action" { "user" = "foo" } { "user" = "bar" } } } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "*" } { "level" = "*" } } { "action" { "program" = "\"/usr/bin/soft arg\"" } } } { "program" { "program" = "startslip" } { "#comment" = "get that out" } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "*" } { "level" = "*" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/slip.log" } } } } { "program" { "program" = "pppd" } { "program" = "ppp" } { } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "*" } { "level" = "*" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/ppp.log" } } } } { "program" { "program" = "startslip" } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "*" } { "level" = "*" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/slip.log" } } } } { "program" { "reverse" } { "program" = "startslip" } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "*" } { "level" = "*" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/slip.log" } } } } { "program" { "program" = "pppd" } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "*" } { "level" = "*" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/ppp.log" } } } } { "hostname" { "hostname" = "" } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "daemon" } { "level" = "info" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/cvsupd.log" } } } } { "hostname" { "hostname" = "" } { "hostname" = "" } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "daemon" } { "level" = "info" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/cvsupd.log" } } } } { "hostname" { "hostname" = "" } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "daemon" } { "level" = "info" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/cvsupd.log" } } } } { "hostname" { "reverse" } { "hostname" = "" } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "daemon" } { "level" = "info" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/cvsupd.log" } } } } { "hostname" { "hostname" = "*" } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "daemon" } { "level" = "info" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/cvsupd.log" } } } } { "program" { "program" = "*" } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "daemon" } { "level" = "info" } } { "action" { "file" = "/var/log/cvsupd.log" } } } { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "*" } { "comparison" = "=" } { "level" = "debug" } } { "selector" { "facility" = "auth" } { "facility" = "authpriv" } { "level" = "none" } } { "selector" { "facility" = "news" } { "level" = "none" } } { "selector" { "facility" = "mail" } { "level" = "none" } } { "action" { "no_sync" } { "file" = "/var/log/debug" } } } { "#comment" = "!pppd" } } (* changing file *) test Syslog.lns put "*.* /var\n" after set "/entry[1]/action/file" "/foo" = "*.* /foo\n" (* changing file to discard *) test Syslog.lns put "*.* /var\n" after rm "/entry[1]/action/file" ; set "/entry[1]/action/discard" "" = "*.* ~\n" (* removing entry *) test Syslog.lns put "*.* /var\n" after rm "/entry[1]" = "" (* changing facility and level *) test Syslog.lns put "*.* /var\n" after set "/entry[1]/selector/facility" "daemon" ; set "/entry[1]/selector/level" "info" = " /var\n" (* insert a facility *) test Syslog.lns put "daemon.* /var\n" after insa "facility" "/entry/selector/facility" ; set "/entry/selector/facility[2]" "mail" = "daemon,mail.* /var\n" (* creating an entry *) test Syslog.lns put "" after set "/entry/selector/facility" "daemon" ; set "/entry/selector/level" "info" ; set "/entry/action/file" "/var" = "\t/var\n" (* inserting an entry before *) test Syslog.lns put "*.* /var\n" after insb "entry" "/entry" ; set "/entry[1]/selector/facility" "daemon" ; set "/entry[1]/selector/level" "info" ; set "/entry[1]/action/file" "/foo" = " /foo\n*.*\t/var\n" (* inserting an entry after *) test Syslog.lns put "*.* /var\n" after insa "entry" "/entry" ; set "/entry[2]/selector/facility" "daemon" ; set "/entry[2]/selector/level" "info" ; set "/entry[2]/action/file" "/foo" = "*.* /var\\t/foo\n" (* insert sync on a file *) test Syslog.lns put "*.* /var\n" after insb "no_sync" "/entry/action/file" = "*.* -/var\n" (* changing file to remote host *) test Syslog.lns put "*.* /var\n" after rm "/entry/action/file" ; set "/entry/action/protocol" "@" ; set "/entry/action/hostname" "far.far.away" = "*.* @far.far.away\n" (* changing file to remote host *) test Syslog.lns put "*.* /var/lib\n" after rm "/entry/action/file" ; set "/entry/action/protocol" "@@" ; set "/entry/action/hostname" "far.far.away" = "*.* @@far.far.away\n" (* changing file to * *) test Syslog.lns put "*.* /var\n" after rm "/entry/action/file" ; set "/entry/action/user" "*" = "*.* *\n" (* changing file to users *) test Syslog.lns put "*.* /var\n" after rm "/entry/action/file" ; set "/entry/action/user[1]" "john" ; set "/entry/action/user[2]" "paul" ; set "/entry/action/user[3]" "george" ; set "/entry/action/user[4]" "ringo" = "*.* john,paul,george,ringo\n" (* changing file to program *) test Syslog.lns put "*.* /var\n" after rm "/entry/action/file" ; set "/entry/action/program" "/usr/bin/foo" = "*.* |/usr/bin/foo\n" (* inserting a matching program *) test Syslog.lns put "" after insa "program" "/" ; set "/program/program" "foo" = "!foo\n" (* inserting an entry to a matching program *) test Syslog.lns put "!foo\n" after set "/program/entry/selector/facility" "*" ; set "/program/entry/selector/level" "*" ; set "/program/entry/action/file" "/foo" = "!foo\n*.*\t/foo\n" (* inserting a matching hostname *) test Syslog.lns put "" after insa "hostname" "/" ; set "/hostname/hostname" "" = "\n" (* inserting an entry to a matching hostname *) test Syslog.lns put "\n" after set "/hostname/entry/selector/facility" "*" ; set "/hostname/entry/selector/level" "*" ; set "/hostname/entry/action/file" "/foo" = "\n*.*\t/foo\n" (* inserting a reverse matching hostname *) test Syslog.lns put "" after insa "hostname" "/" ; set "/hostname/reverse" "" ; set "/hostname/hostname" "" = "\n" (* tokens can contain capital letters *) test Syslog.lns get "LOCAL5.* -/var/log/foo.log\n" = { "entry" { "selector" { "facility" = "LOCAL5" } { "level" = "*" } } { "action" { "no_sync" } { "file" = "/var/log/foo.log" } } } (* test for commented out statements *) test Syslog.lns put "" after set "#comment" "!pppd" = "# !pppd\n" (* allow space before comments *) test Syslog.lns get " \t# space comment\n" = { "#comment" = "space comment" } test Syslog.lns get "include /etc/syslog.d\n" = { "include" = "/etc/syslog.d" }