(* Module: Syslog parses /etc/syslog.conf Author: Mathieu Arnold About: Reference This lens tries to keep as close as possible to `man 5 resolv.conf` where possible. An online source being : http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=syslog.conf&sektion=5 About: Licence This file is licensed under the BSD License. About: Lens Usage To be documented About: Configuration files This lens applies to /etc/syslog.conf. See . *) module Syslog = autoload xfm (************************************************************************ * Group: USEFUL PRIMITIVES *************************************************************************) (* Group: Comments and empty lines *) (* Variable: empty *) let empty = Util.empty (* Variable: eol *) let eol = Util.eol (* Variable: sep_tab *) let sep_tab = del /([ \t]+|[ \t]*\\\\\n[ \t]*)/ "\t" (* Variable: sep_tab_opt *) let sep_tab_opt = del /([ \t]*|[ \t]*\\\\\n[ \t]*)/ "" (* View: comment Map comments into "#comment" nodes Can't use Util.comment as #+ and #! have a special meaning. However, '# !' and '# +' have no special meaning so they should be allowed. *) let comment_gen (space:regexp) (sto:regexp) = [ label "#comment" . del (Rx.opt_space . "#" . space) "# " . store sto . eol ] let comment = let comment_withsign = comment_gen Rx.space /([!+-].*[^ \t\n]|[!+-])/ in let comment_nosign = comment_gen Rx.opt_space /([^ \t\n+!-].*[^ \t\n]|[^ \t\n+!-])/ in comment_withsign | comment_nosign (* Group: single characters macro *) (* Variable: comma Deletes a comma and default to it *) let comma = sep_tab_opt . Util.del_str "," . sep_tab_opt (* Variable: colon Deletes a colon and default to it *) let colon = sep_tab_opt . Util.del_str ":" . sep_tab_opt (* Variable: semicolon Deletes a semicolon and default to it *) let semicolon = sep_tab_opt . Util.del_str ";" . sep_tab_opt (* Variable: dot Deletes a dot and default to it *) let dot = Util.del_str "." (* Variable: pipe Deletes a pipe and default to it *) let pipe = Util.del_str "|" (* Variable: plus Deletes a plus and default to it *) let plus = Util.del_str "+" (* Variable: bang Deletes a bang and default to it *) let bang = Util.del_str "!" (* Variable: opt_hash deletes an optional # sign *) let opt_hash = del /#?/ "" (* Variable: opt_plus deletes an optional + sign *) let opt_plus = del /\+?/ "" (* Group: various macros *) (* Variable: word our version can't start with [_.-] because it would mess up the grammar *) let word = /[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_.-]*/ (* Variable: comparison a comparison is an optional ! with optionally some of [<=>] *) let comparison = /(!|[<=>]+|![<=>]+)/ (* Variable: protocol @ means UDP @@ means TCP *) let protocol = /@{1,2}/ (* Variable: token alphanum or "*" *) let token = /([A-Za-z0-9]+|\*)/ (* Variable: file_r a file begins with a / and get almost anything else after *) let file_r = /\/[^ \t\n;]+/ (* Variable: loghost_r Matches a hostname, that is labels speparated by dots, labels can't start or end with a "-". maybe a bit too complicated for what it's worth *) let loghost_r = /[a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*/ | "[" . Rx.ipv6 . "]" (* Group: Function *) (* View: label_opt_list Uses Build.opt_list to generate a list of labels Parameters: l:string - the label name r:lens - the lens going after the label s:lens - the separator lens passed to Build.opt_list *) let label_opt_list (l:string) (r:lens) (s:lens) = Build.opt_list [ label l . r ] s (* View: label_opt_list_or Either label_opt_list matches something or it emits a single label with the "or" string. Parameters: l:string - the label name r:lens - the lens going after the label s:lens - the separator lens passed to Build.opt_list or:string - the string used if the label_opt_list does not match anything *) let label_opt_list_or (l:string) (r:lens) (s:lens) (or:string) = ( label_opt_list l r s | [ label l . store or ] ) (************************************************************************ * Group: LENSE DEFINITION *************************************************************************) (* Group: selector *) (* View: facilities a list of facilities, separated by commas *) let facilities = label_opt_list "facility" (store token) comma (* View: selector a selector is a list of facilities, an optional comparison and a level *) let selector = facilities . dot . [ label "comparison" . store comparison]? . [ label "level" . store token ] (* View: selectors a list of selectors, separated by semicolons *) let selectors = label_opt_list "selector" selector semicolon (* Group: action *) (* View: file a file may start with a "-" meaning it does not gets sync'ed everytime *) let file = [ Build.xchgs "-" "no_sync" ]? . [ label "file" . store file_r ] (* View: loghost a loghost is an @ sign followed by the hostname and a possible port *) let loghost = [label "protocol" . store protocol] . [ label "hostname" . store loghost_r ] . (colon . [ label "port" . store /[0-9]+/ ] )? (* View: users a list of users or a "*" *) let users = label_opt_list_or "user" (store word) comma "*" (* View: logprogram a log program begins with a pipe *) let logprogram = pipe . [ label "program" . store /[^ \t\n][^\n]+[^ \t\n]/ ] (* View: discard discards matching messages *) let discard = [ label "discard" . Util.del_str "~" ] (* View: action an action is either a file, a host, users, a program, or discard *) let action = (file | loghost | users | logprogram | discard) (* Group: Entry *) (* View: entry an entry contains selectors and an action *) let entry = [ label "entry" . selectors . sep_tab . [ label "action" . action ] . eol ] (* View: entries entries are either comments/empty lines or entries *) let entries = (empty | comment | entry )* (* Group: Program matching *) (* View: programs a list of programs *) let programs = label_opt_list_or "program" (store word) comma "*" (* View: program a program begins with an optional hash, a bang, and an optional + or - *) let program = [ label "program" . opt_hash . bang . ( opt_plus | [ Build.xchgs "-" "reverse" ] ) . programs . eol . entries ] (* Group: Hostname maching *) (* View: hostnames a list of hostnames *) let hostnames = label_opt_list_or "hostname" (store Rx.word) comma "*" (* View: hostname a program begins with an optional hash, and a + or - *) let hostname = [ label "hostname" . opt_hash . ( plus | [ Build.xchgs "-" "reverse" ] ) . hostnames . eol . entries ] (* Group: Top of the tree *) let include = [ key "include" . sep_tab . store file_r . eol ] (* View: lns generic entries then programs or hostnames matching blocs *) let lns = entries . ( program | hostname | include )* (* Variable: filter all you need is /etc/syslog.conf *) let filter = incl "/etc/syslog.conf" let xfm = transform lns filter