(* Module: Test_Carbon Provides unit tests and examples for the lens. *) module Test_Carbon = let carbon_conf = "[cache] # Configure carbon directories. # Specify the user to drop privileges to # If this is blank carbon runs as the user that invokes it # This user must have write access to the local data directory USER = MAX_CACHE_SIZE = inf # comment at EOL LINE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE= LINE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2003 ENABLE_UDP_LISTENER = False [relay] LINE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = LINE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2013 PICKLE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = PICKLE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2014 " test Carbon.lns get carbon_conf = { "cache" { "#comment" = "Configure carbon directories." } { } { "#comment" = "Specify the user to drop privileges to" } { "#comment" = "If this is blank carbon runs as the user that invokes it" } { "#comment" = "This user must have write access to the local data directory" } { "USER" } { } { "MAX_CACHE_SIZE" = "inf" { "#comment" = "comment at EOL" } } { "LINE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE" = "" } { "LINE_RECEIVER_PORT" = "2003" } { "ENABLE_UDP_LISTENER" = "False" } { } } { "relay" { "LINE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE" = "" } { "LINE_RECEIVER_PORT" = "2013" } { "PICKLE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE" = "" } { "PICKLE_RECEIVER_PORT" = "2014" } } let relay_rules_conf = "# You must have exactly one section with 'default = true' # Note that all destinations listed must also exist in carbon.conf # in the DESTINATIONS setting in the [relay] section [default] default = true destinations =, " test Carbon.lns get relay_rules_conf = { "#comment" = "You must have exactly one section with 'default = true'" } { "#comment" = "Note that all destinations listed must also exist in carbon.conf" } { "#comment" = "in the DESTINATIONS setting in the [relay] section" } { "default" { "default" = "true" } { "destinations" = "," } } let storage_aggregation_conf = "# Aggregation methods for whisper files. Entries are scanned in order, # and first match wins. This file is scanned for changes every 60 seconds [max] pattern = \.max$ xFilesFactor = 0.1 aggregationMethod = max " test Carbon.lns get storage_aggregation_conf = { "#comment" = "Aggregation methods for whisper files. Entries are scanned in order," } { "#comment" = "and first match wins. This file is scanned for changes every 60 seconds" } { "max" { "pattern" = "\.max$" } { "xFilesFactor" = "0.1" } { "aggregationMethod" = "max" } }