module Test_ceph = let ceph_simple = "[global] ### fsid = b4b2e571-fbbf-4ff3-a9f8-ab80f08b7fe6 # use `uuidgen` to generate your own UUID public network = cluster network = " let ceph_extended = "## # Sample ceph ceph.conf file. ## # This file defines cluster membership, the various locations # that Ceph stores data, and any other runtime options. [global] ; Start-line comment log file = /var/log/ceph/$cluster-$name.log ; End-line comment [mon.alpha] host = alpha mon addr = [mon.beta] host = beta mon addr = [mon.gamma] host = gamma mon addr = [mon] mon initial members = mycephhost mon host = cephhost01,cephhost02 mon addr =, mon osd nearfull ratio = .85 # logging, for debugging monitor crashes, in order of # their likelihood of being helpful :) debug ms = 1 debug mon = 20 debug paxos = 20 debug auth = 20 [mds] osd max backfills = 5 #osd mkfs type = {fs-type} #osd mkfs options {fs-type} = {mkfs options} # default for xfs is \"-f\" #osd mount options {fs-type} = {mount options} # default mount option is \"rw, noatime\" osd mkfs type = btrfs osd mount options btrfs = noatime,nodiratime journal dio = false debug ms = 1 debug osd = 20 debug filestore = 20 debug journal = 20 filestore merge threshold = 10 osd crush update on start = false [osd.0] host = delta [osd.1] host = epsilon [osd.2] host = zeta [osd.3] host = eta rgw dns name = radosgw.ceph.internal " test Ceph.lns get ceph_simple = { "global" { "#comment" = "##" } { } { "fsid" = "b4b2e571-fbbf-4ff3-a9f8-ab80f08b7fe6" { "#comment" = "use `uuidgen` to generate your own UUID" } } { "public network" = "" } { "cluster network" = "" } } test Ceph.lns get ceph_extended = { "#comment" = "#" } { "#comment" = "Sample ceph ceph.conf file." } { "#comment" = "#" } { "#comment" = "This file defines cluster membership, the various locations" } { "#comment" = "that Ceph stores data, and any other runtime options." } { } { "global" { "#comment" = "Start-line comment" } { "log file" = "/var/log/ceph/$cluster-$name.log" { "#comment" = "End-line comment" } } { } } { "mon.alpha" { "host" = "alpha" } { "mon addr" = "" } { } } { "mon.beta" { "host" = "beta" } { "mon addr" = "" } { } } { "mon.gamma" { "host" = "gamma" } { "mon addr" = "" } { } { } } { "mon" { "mon initial members" = "mycephhost" } { } { "mon host" = "cephhost01,cephhost02" } { "mon addr" = "," } { } { "mon osd nearfull ratio" = ".85" } { } { "#comment" = "logging, for debugging monitor crashes, in order of" } { "#comment" = "their likelihood of being helpful :)" } { "debug ms" = "1" } { "debug mon" = "20" } { "debug paxos" = "20" } { "debug auth" = "20" } { } } { "mds" { } { "osd max backfills" = "5" } { } { "#comment" = "osd mkfs type = {fs-type}" } { "#comment" = "osd mkfs options {fs-type} = {mkfs options} # default for xfs is \"-f\"" } { "#comment" = "osd mount options {fs-type} = {mount options} # default mount option is \"rw, noatime\"" } { "osd mkfs type" = "btrfs" } { "osd mount options btrfs" = "noatime,nodiratime" } { "journal dio" = "false" } { } { "debug ms" = "1" } { "debug osd" = "20" } { "debug filestore" = "20" } { "debug journal" = "20" } { } { "filestore merge threshold" = "10" } { } { "osd crush update on start" = "false" } { } } { "osd.0" { "host" = "delta" } { } } { "osd.1" { "host" = "epsilon" } { } } { "osd.2" { "host" = "zeta" } { } } { "osd.3" { "host" = "eta" } { } { "rgw dns name" = "radosgw.ceph.internal" } }