module Test_slapd = let conf = "# This is the main slapd configuration file. See slapd.conf(5) for more # info on the configuration options. ####################################################################### # Global Directives: # Features to permit #allow bind_v2 # Schema and objectClass definitions include /etc/ldap/schema/core.schema ####################################################################### # Specific Directives for database #1, of type hdb: # Database specific directives apply to this databasse until another # 'database' directive occurs database hdb # The base of your directory in database #1 suffix \"dc=nodomain\" access to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange by dn=\"cn=admin,dc=nodomain\" write by anonymous auth by self write by * none " test Slapd.lns get conf = { "#comment" = "This is the main slapd configuration file. See slapd.conf(5) for more" } { "#comment" = "info on the configuration options." } {} { "#comment" = "######################################################################" } { "#comment" = "Global Directives:"} {} { "#comment" = "Features to permit" } { "#comment" = "allow bind_v2" } {} { "#comment" = "Schema and objectClass definitions" } { "include" = "/etc/ldap/schema/core.schema" } {} { "#comment" = "######################################################################" } { "#comment" = "Specific Directives for database #1, of type hdb:" } { "#comment" = "Database specific directives apply to this databasse until another" } { "#comment" = "'database' directive occurs" } { "database" = "hdb" {} { "#comment" = "The base of your directory in database #1" } { "suffix" = "dc=nodomain" } {} { "access to" = "attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange" { "by" = "dn=\"cn=admin,dc=nodomain\"" { "access" = "write" } } { "by" = "anonymous" { "access" = "auth" } } { "by" = "self" { "access" = "write" } } { "by" = "*" { "access" = "none" } } } } (* Test: Slapd.lns Full access test with who/access/control *) test Slapd.lns get "access to dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\" by self write stop\n" = { "access to" = "dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\"" { "by" = "self" { "access" = "write" } { "control" = "stop" } } } (* Test: Slapd.lns access test with who *) test Slapd.lns get "access to dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\" by self\n" = { "access to" = "dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\"" { "by" = "self" } } (* Test: Slapd.lns access test with who/access *) test Slapd.lns get "access to dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\" by self write\n" = { "access to" = "dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\"" { "by" = "self" { "access" = "write" } } } (* Test: Slapd.lns access test with who/control *) test Slapd.lns get "access to dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\" by self stop\n" = { "access to" = "dn.subtree=\"dc=example,dc=com\"" { "by" = "self" { "control" = "stop" } } }