(* Module: Test_Tmpfiles Provides unit tests and examples for the lens. *) module Test_Tmpfiles = (************************************************************************ * Group: VALID EXAMPLES *************************************************************************) (* Variable: simple One line, simple example *) let simple = "d /run/user 0755 root mysql 10d -\n" (* Variable: simple_tree Tree for *) let simple_tree = { "1" { "type" = "d" } { "path" = "/run/user" } { "mode" = "0755" } { "uid" = "root" } { "gid" = "mysql" } { "age" = "10d" } { "argument" = "-" } } (* Variable: complex A more complex example, comes from the manual *) let complex = "#Type Path Mode UID GID Age Argument\nd /run/user 0755 root root 10d -\nL /tmp/foobar - - - - /dev/null\n" (* Variable: complex_tree Tree for and *) let complex_tree = { "#comment" = "Type Path Mode UID GID Age Argument" } { "1" { "type" = "d" } { "path" = "/run/user" } { "mode" = "0755" } { "uid" = "root" } { "gid" = "root" } { "age" = "10d" } { "argument" = "-" } } { "2" { "type" = "L" } { "path" = "/tmp/foobar" } { "mode" = "-" } { "uid" = "-" } { "gid" = "-" } { "age" = "-" } { "argument" = "/dev/null" } } (* Variable: trailing_ws The complex example with extra spaces *) let trailing_ws = " #Type Path Mode UID GID Age Argument \n d /run/user 0755 root root 10d - \t\n L /tmp/foobar - - - - /dev/null\t\n" (* Variable: empty Empty example *) let empty = "\n\n\n" (* Variable: exclamation_mark Example with an exclamation mark in the type *) let exclamation_mark = "D! /tmp/foo - - - - -\n" (* Variable: exclamation_mark_tree Tree for *) let exclamation_mark_tree = { "1" { "type" = "D!" } { "path" = "/tmp/foo" } { "mode" = "-" } { "uid" = "-" } { "gid" = "-" } { "age" = "-" } { "argument" = "-" } } (* Variable: minus Example with an minus mark in the type *) let minus = "D- /tmp/foo - - - - -\n" (* Variable: minus_tree Tree for *) let minus_tree = { "1" { "type" = "D-" } { "path" = "/tmp/foo" } { "mode" = "-" } { "uid" = "-" } { "gid" = "-" } { "age" = "-" } { "argument" = "-" } } (* Variable: short Example with only type and path *) let short = "A+ /tmp/foo\n" (* Variable: short_tree Tree for *) let short_tree = { "1" { "type" = "A+" } { "path" = "/tmp/foo" } } (* Variable: short_mode Example with only 3 fields *) let short_mode = "c+! /tmp/foo ~0755\n" (* Variable: short_mode_tree Tree for *) let short_mode_tree = { "1" { "type" = "c+!" } { "path" = "/tmp/foo" } { "mode" = "~0755" } } (* Variable: short_uid Example with only 4 fields *) let short_uid = "A+ /tmp/foo - 0\n" (* Variable: short_uid_tree Tree for *) let short_uid_tree = { "1" { "type" = "A+" } { "path" = "/tmp/foo" } { "mode" = "-" } { "uid" = "0" } } (* Variable: short_gid Example with only 5 fields *) let short_gid = "z /tmp/bar/foo -\t- augd\n" (* Variable: short_gid_tree Tree for *) let short_gid_tree = { "1" { "type" = "z" } { "path" = "/tmp/bar/foo" } { "mode" = "-" } { "uid" = "-" } { "gid" = "augd" } } (* Variable: short_age Example with only 6 fields *) let short_age = "H /var/tmp/fooBarFOO - jj jj ~10d\n" (* Variable: short_age_tree Tree for *) let short_age_tree = { "1" { "type" = "H" } { "path" = "/var/tmp/fooBarFOO" } { "mode" = "-" } { "uid" = "jj" } { "gid" = "jj" } { "age" = "~10d" } } (* Variable: complex_arg Complex argument example. That one comes from the manual *) let complex_arg = "t /run/screen - - - - user.name=\"John Smith\" security.SMACK64=screen\n" (* Variable: complex_arg_tree Tree for *) let complex_arg_tree = { "1" { "type" = "t" } { "path" = "/run/screen" } { "mode" = "-" } { "uid" = "-" } { "gid" = "-" } { "age" = "-" } { "argument" = "user.name=\"John Smith\" security.SMACK64=screen" } } (* Variable: valid_short_args A short argument value example. *) let valid_short_args = "h /var/log/journal - - - - C\nh /var/log/journal - - - - +C\n" (* Variable: valid_short_args_tree Tree for *) let valid_short_args_tree = { "1" { "type" = "h" } { "path" = "/var/log/journal" } { "mode" = "-" } { "uid" = "-" } { "gid" = "-" } { "age" = "-" } { "argument" = "C" } } { "2" { "type" = "h" } { "path" = "/var/log/journal" } { "mode" = "-" } { "uid" = "-" } { "gid" = "-" } { "age" = "-" } { "argument" = "+C" } } (* Variable: valid_age Example with a complex age. *) let valid_age = "v /var/tmp/js 4221 johnsmith - ~10d12h\n" (* Variable: valid_age_tree Tree for *) let valid_age_tree = { "1" { "type" = "v" } { "path" = "/var/tmp/js" } { "mode" = "4221" } { "uid" = "johnsmith" } { "gid" = "-" } { "age" = "~10d12h" } } (* Variable: valid_second Example with full age unit *) let valid_second = "p+ /var/tmp - jsmith - 0second\n" (* Variable: valid_second_tree Tree for *) let valid_second_tree = { "1" { "type" = "p+" } { "path" = "/var/tmp" } { "mode" = "-" } { "uid" = "jsmith" } { "gid" = "-" } { "age" = "0second" } } (* Variable: valid_days Example with full age unit (plural) *) let valid_days = "x /var/tmp/manu - jonhsmith - 9days\n" (* Variable: valid_days_tree Tree for *) let valid_days_tree = { "1" { "type" = "x" } { "path" = "/var/tmp/manu" } { "mode" = "-" } { "uid" = "jonhsmith" } { "gid" = "-" } { "age" = "9days" } } (* Variable: percent Test with a percent sign *) let percent = "m /var/log/%m 2755 root systemdjournal - -\n" (* Variable: percent_tree Tree for *) let percent_tree = { "1" { "type" = "m" } { "path" = "/var/log/%m" } { "mode" = "2755" } { "uid" = "root" } { "gid" = "systemdjournal" } { "age" = "-" } { "argument" = "-" } } (* Variable: hyphen Test with a hyphen in gid *) let hyphen = "L /var/log/journal 2755 root systemd-journal - -\n" (* Variable: hyphen_tree Tree for *) let hyphen_tree = { "1" { "type" = "L" } { "path" = "/var/log/journal" } { "mode" = "2755" } { "uid" = "root" } { "gid" = "systemd-journal" } { "age" = "-" } { "argument" = "-" } } (* Variable: valid_base A valid test to be re-used by the failure cases *) let valid_base = "H /var/tmp/js 0000 jonhsmith 60 1s foo\n" (* Variable: valid_base_tree Tree for *) let valid_base_tree = { "1" { "type" = "H" } { "path" = "/var/tmp/js" } { "mode" = "0000" } { "uid" = "jonhsmith" } { "gid" = "60" } { "age" = "1s" } { "argument" = "foo" } } (* Variable: mode3 Mode field example with only three digits *) let mode3 = "c+! /tmp/foo 755\n" (* Variable: mode3_tree Tree for *) let mode3_tree = { "1" { "type" = "c+!" } { "path" = "/tmp/foo" } { "mode" = "755" } } (************************************************************************ * Group: INVALID EXAMPLES *************************************************************************) (* Variable: invalid_too_short Invalid example that do not contain path *) let invalid_too_short = "H\n" (* Variable: invalid_age Invalid example that contain invalid age *) let invalid_age = "H /var/tmp/js 0000 jonhsmith 60 1sss foo\n" (* Variable: invalid_type Invalid example that contain invalid type (bad letter) *) let invalid_type = "i /var/tmp/js 0000 jonhsmith 60 1s foo\n" (* Variable: invalid_type_num Invalid example that contain invalid type (numeric) *) let invalid_type_num = "1 /var/tmp/js 0000 jonhsmith 60 1s foo\n" (* Variable: invalid_mode Invalid example that contain invalid mode (bad int) *) let invalid_mode = "H /var/tmp/js 8000 jonhsmith 60 1s foo\n" (* Variable: invalid_mode_alpha Invalid example that contain invalid mode (letter) *) let invalid_mode_alpha = "H /var/tmp/js a000 jonhsmith 60 1s foo\n" test Tmpfiles.lns get simple = simple_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get complex = complex_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get trailing_ws = complex_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get empty = {}{}{} test Tmpfiles.lns get exclamation_mark = exclamation_mark_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get minus = minus_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get short = short_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get short_mode = short_mode_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get short_uid = short_uid_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get short_gid = short_gid_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get short_age = short_age_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get complex_arg = complex_arg_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get valid_short_args = valid_short_args_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get valid_second = valid_second_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get valid_days = valid_days_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get valid_age = valid_age_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get percent = percent_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get hyphen = hyphen_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get valid_base = valid_base_tree test Tmpfiles.lns get mode3 = mode3_tree (* failure cases *) test Tmpfiles.lns get invalid_too_short = * test Tmpfiles.lns get invalid_age = * test Tmpfiles.lns get invalid_type = * test Tmpfiles.lns get invalid_type_num = * test Tmpfiles.lns get invalid_mode = * test Tmpfiles.lns get invalid_mode_alpha = * (* Local Variables: *) (* mode: caml *) (* End: *)